伊隆·马斯克的女儿在 Teen Vogue 采访中讨论了她的父亲、社交媒体和名气

【中美创新时报2025 年 3 月 23 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)伊隆·马斯克的女儿在 Teen Vogue 采访中讨论了她的父亲、社交媒体和名气。《纽约时报》记者凯蒂·范·西克尔和本杰明·霍夫曼对此作了下述报道。
《Teen Vogue》杂志主编维尔莎·夏尔马 (Versha Sharma) 表示,去年秋季总统大选前后,她就开始密切关注埃隆和贾斯汀·马斯克 20 岁的女儿薇薇安·珍娜·威尔逊 (Vivian Jenna Wilson)。
夏尔马在周五的电话采访中说:“通过观看她的 TikTok 视频或在网上关注她,我们对她了解得越多,就越意识到她的声音非常有力、有趣且搞笑,而且她总能用幽默来打破纷扰。”
作家兼喜剧演员埃拉·尤尔曼 (Ella Yurman) 成功采访了威尔逊,这让她首次在 Teen Vogue 上发表署名文章,并登上了特刊封面。这篇采访于周四发表后,迅速在社交媒体上传播开来。
但正是她对父亲的深入讨论,让这篇文章一经发表就在网上引发了热议。今年 1 月,在特朗普总统就职典礼上,她谈到了关于父亲手势的争论,她说:“亲爱的,我们要直言不讳,我们要直言不讳,我们要直言不讳。”她强调自己经济独立,并表示自 2020 年以来与马斯克没有任何关系。她说,当她变性并开始服用睾酮阻滞剂时,马斯克“不像我妈妈那样支持她”。她说,尽管马斯克很有钱有势,但她并不害怕反对他。
采访通过 Zoom 进行,威尔逊在日本进行采访,Yurman 和 Teen Vogue 团队在几个月的时间里与威尔逊进行了多次交谈。为了说明采访内容,Teen Vogue 安排摄影师 Andy Jackson 在东京拍摄照片,他的灵感来自电影《迷失东京》和围绕少女时代的各种成长主题。
“Teen Vogue 的拍摄总是以大胆、色彩鲜艳为特色,同时还要捕捉拍摄对象的动作,并尽可能地展示当今青少年和年轻人的真实生活,”Sharma 说道。“当然,Vivian 是一个非常独特的 20 岁女孩,但她毕竟是 20 岁女孩,所以我们也很高兴能捕捉到她和她周围的环境。”
威尔逊没有回应进一步置评的请求,但他并不是唯一一个公开讨论马斯克作为人以及作为父母的幕后形象的家庭成员。马斯克与流行歌星格莱姆斯育有三个孩子,她经常在社交平台 X 上提出问题,包括最近请求他与她联系,以处理他们其中一个孩子的未指明的医疗状况。马斯克的父亲埃罗尔在播客采访中公开质疑马斯克的育儿能力,随后告诉《纽约时报》,“媒体断章取义”,他和儿子的关系非常好。
但威尔逊在 Teen Vogue 的第二次采访中提供了独特的视角,对马斯克的政治活动进行了分析,其中包括对跨性别群体的攻击。Teen Vogue 称这只是威尔逊的第二次采访,第一次采访是去年接受 NBC 采访。去年,在接受乔丹·彼得森采访时,马斯克表示,他称威尔逊为儿子,威尔逊“死了——被觉醒思维病毒杀死了”。
威尔逊在接受《Teen Vogue》采访时表示,马斯克的政治观点已转向右翼,但她强调,她认为这与他之前的信仰并没有太大的不同,而且她认为自己的变性并不是这种转变的一部分。
“采访很轻松,让人忍俊不禁,读起来很有趣,因为她就是这样的人,”夏尔马谈到威尔逊时说道。“她是一个 20 岁的女孩,无论她的父母是谁,她都非常喜欢上网。我认为这都体现了出来。”
题图:伊隆·马斯克周六在费城参加了 NCAA 摔跤锦标赛决赛。Matt Rourke/美联社
Elon Musk’s daughter discusses her father, social media, and fame in Teen Vogue interview. Here are highlights.
By Katie Van Syckle and Benjamin Hoffman New York Times,Updated March 22, 2025
Elon Musk attended the finals at the NCAA wrestling championship on Saturday in Philadelphia.Matt Rourke/Associated Press
Versha Sharma, the editor-in-chief of Teen Vogue, said she had started to pay close attention to Vivian Jenna Wilson, the 20-year-old daughter of Elon and Justine Musk, around the time of last fall’s presidential election.
“The more that we started to learn about her from watching her TikToks, or just following her online, we realized that she has a really powerful and interesting and hilarious voice and a way of cutting through the noise with humor,” Sharma said in a phone interview Friday.
Ella Yurman, a writer and comedian, was able to set up an interview with Wilson, leading to her first byline for Teen Vogue, which landed on the cover of a special issue. The interview spread quickly around social media as soon as it was published Thursday.
In the interview, Wilson, who is a trans woman, discussed a wide variety of topics, including whether she is famous (“I don’t like saying that I’m famous because I want to do something more to deserve that fame”), her relationship with social media (“I am the Queen of Threads”), her family (“I do not actually know how many siblings I have”) and her politics (“I am constantly shifting and evolving”).
But it was her in-depth discussion of her father that had the internet buzzing as soon as the piece was published. She addressed the debate over his hand gestures at an inaugural event for President Donald Trump in January, saying, “Honey, we’re going to call a fig a fig, and we’re going to call a Nazi salute what it was.” She emphasized that she is financially independent and said she had had no relationship with Musk since 2020. She said he was “not as supportive as my mom” when she transitioned and began taking testosterone blockers. And she said she is not afraid to speak out against him despite his wealth and influence.
“People thrive off of fear,” she said. “I’m not giving anyone that space in my mind.”
Musk, who did not respond to a request for comment, has not publicly addressed the interview.
Sharma said her editorial team was aware of the potential problems of publishing a story that is critical of the richest man in the world and that “we expected there could be some reaction, but we really wanted this story to be guided by Vivian, and also to focus on who she is, beyond just his daughter.”
The interview was conducted via Zoom, with Wilson speaking from Japan, and it involved Yurman and the Teen Vogue team speaking with Wilson several times over a period of months. To illustrate the interview, Teen Vogue arranged a photo shoot in Tokyo with photographer Andy Jackson, who took inspiration from the film “Lost in Translation” and various coming-of-age themes around girlhood.
“It is always very much part of Teen Vogue shoots to be bold and colorful and also capture our subjects in motion, and try as much as possible to show what life is actually like for teenagers and young people today,” Sharma said. “Vivian, of course, is a very unique 20-year-old, but she is a 20-year-old, and so we were also happy to capture her and her environment.”
The interview is both casual, with Wilson discussing her interests and future ambitions, and serious when it comes to discussion of Musk.
Wilson, who did not respond to a request for further comment, is not alone among members of Musk’s family who have publicly discussed what he is like behind the scenes as a person and as a parent. Grimes, the pop star with whom he has three children, has routinely taken to the social platform X to raise issues, including a recent request that he get in touch with her to deal with an unspecified medical condition with one of their children. And Musk’s father, Errol, publicly questioned Musk’s parenting ability in a podcast interview before telling The New York Times that “the press takes things out of context” and that he and his son have an excellent relationship.
But Wilson, in what Teen Vogue said was only her second interview — her first was with NBC last year — offered a unique perspective on Musk’s political activity, which has included attacks on the trans community. In an interview with Jordan Peterson last year, Musk said Wilson, whom he referred to as his son, was “dead — killed by the woke mind virus.”
Wilson said in the Teen Vogue interview that Musk’s politics had shifted to the right, but she emphasized that she felt it was not a major departure from his previous beliefs and that she believed her being trans was not a part of that shift.
“Him going further on the right, and I’m going to use the word ‘further’ — make sure you put ‘further’ in there — is not because of me,” she said. “That’s insane.”
Addressing trans issues was a priority for Sharma.
“We want to be a resource for trans youth and any other marginalized youth who feel targeted in any way,” she said. “We’re seeing escalating attacks on their access to health care, other basic rights — just their basic identities.”
But both she and Yurman said they hoped to show Wilson in a much broader light.
“The interview is light in the way that it makes you laugh, and it’s an entertaining read, because that’s the kind of person that she is,” Sharma said of Wilson. “And she is an extremely online 20-year-old, regardless of who her parents are. And I think that comes through.”
Yurman, who said by email that she had talked to Wilson since the story’s publication about how “surreal” the whole endeavor had been, hopes the interview gives people a real sense of Wilson.
“I hope readers take away that Vivian, like everyone else, is a human being,” she said. “I think a lot of coverage of trans people these days, even high-profile trans people, ends up centering their transness so much that it reduces them to two-dimensional figures without interiority. Most of all, I wanted this piece to give Vivian a chance to be herself in front of the world.”
This article originally appeared in The New York Times.