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【中美创新时报2025 年 1 月 31 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)据知情人士透露,随着特朗普政府采取行动改组该机构的高层,少数联邦调查局高级雇员被告知在几天内辞职或被解雇。


在总统提名的联邦调查局局长卡什·帕特尔 (Kash Patel) 在长达数小时的参议院确认听证会上向议员们保证,他不会发起报复行动,也不会通过追捕所谓的竞争对手来回头。目前尚不清楚他是否被告知这些决定,这些决定是在匿名的情况下披露的,以描述人事问题。

被下达最后通牒的员工是在克里斯托弗·A·雷 (Christopher A. Wray) 的领导下晋升的,克里斯托弗·A·雷本月辞去了联邦调查局局长的职务。








在联邦调查局,一些被要求离职的高级官员在总部,而其他人则在实地工作。一些人已经采取措施退休并离开该机构,其中包括一名曾参与联邦调查局对俄罗斯干预 2016 年大选的调查的特工,以及另一名负责调查特朗普处理机密文件的特工。



在帕特尔的确认听证会上,参议员科里·布克提出了司法部突然解雇近十几名职业检察官的问题,这些检察官曾在特别检察官杰克·史密斯 (Jack Smith) 的领导下对特朗普进行刑事调查,并询问类似的举措是否会延伸到联邦调查局。



CNN 早些时候报道称,联邦调查局官员已被降职或辞职。

题图:一栋野兽派风格的建筑的米色外墙。11 月,华盛顿的联邦调查局总部。收到明显最后通牒的高级局员工在该机构前任局长克里斯托弗·A·雷的领导下得到了提拔。图片来源:Rod Lamkey Jr. 为《纽约时报》撰稿


Trump Administration Shocks Senior F.B.I. Ranks by Moving to Replace Them

Top officials have been told to retire or be fired in the coming days, fueling fear within an agency that has been a target of President Trump and Kash Patel, his nominee to be F.B.I. director.

The beige exterior of a Brutalist-looking building.

The F.B.I. headquarters in Washington in November. The senior bureau employees given the apparent ultimatum had been promoted under the agency’s former director, Christopher A. Wray. Credit…Rod Lamkey Jr. for The New York Times

By Adam Goldman and Devlin Barrett

Reporting from Washington Jan. 30, 2025

A handful of senior F.B.I. employees have been told to resign in a matter of days or be fired, as the Trump administration moves to shake up the agency’s upper ranks, according to people familiar with the discussions.

The steps came as Kash Patel, the president’s nominee to lead the agency, sought to assure lawmakers during a contentious, hourslong Senate confirmation hearing that he would not begin a campaign of retribution or look backward by pursuing perceived rivals. It is unclear whether he was informed of the decisions, which were disclosed on the condition of anonymity to describe personnel matters.

The employees given the apparent ultimatum had been promoted under Christopher A. Wray, who stepped down as F.B.I. director this month.

In an email to colleagues, one of the senior agents said he had learned he would be dismissed “from the rolls of the F.B.I.” as soon as Monday morning.

“I was given no rationale for this decision, which, as you might imagine, has come as a shock,” he wrote.

What you should know. The Times makes a careful decision any time it uses an anonymous source. The information the source supplies must be newsworthy and give readers genuine insight.

Senior F.B.I. agents had been bracing for potentially swift changes under President Trump given Mr. Patel’s past promise to reshape the institution. He has vowed to empty out the F.B.I. headquarters building and turn it into a museum.

The move is remarkable in part because it is happening before a director has been confirmed to take charge of the bureau, and the quick and unexpected nature of the requests has left employees badly shaken.

F.B.I. directors have more latitude than most agency chiefs in whom they place into senior positions, but they typically do so gradually. Until senators vote on Mr. Patel’s nomination, Brian Driscoll is the bureau’s acting director.

The decision by the Trump administration echoes the moves rapidly underway at the Justice Department, where career prosecutors, including top officials who hold significant sway over how the agency makes charging decisions, have been reassigned or fired.

At the F.B.I., some of the senior officials who have been asked to leave are at headquarters while others work in the field. Some have already taken steps to retire and exit the agency, including an agent who worked on the F.B.I.’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, and another who oversaw an investigation into Mr. Trump’s handling of classified documents.

A person familiar with the personnel changes said the top agent at the Washington field office, the second-largest in the bureau, was also given an ultimatum on Thursday. He had planned to retire, though intended to stay longer at the bureau to help with the transition. But his plans were cut short.

Still more are worried they will be pushed out of the agency or demoted.

During Mr. Patel’s confirmation hearing, Senator Cory Booker raised the abrupt dismissals of nearly a dozen career prosecutors at the Justice Department who worked on the criminal investigations into Mr. Trump under the special counsel Jack Smith and whether similar moves would extend to the F.B.I.

“Are you aware of any plans or discussions to punish in any way, including termination, F.B.I. agents or personnel associated with Trump investigations?” asked Mr. Booker, Democrat of New Jersey, after reminding Mr. Patel that he was under oath.

Stating that he had not been involved in the decisions at the Justice Department, Mr. Patel replied, “I am not aware of that, Senator.”

CNN earlier reported that FB.I. officials had been demoted or resigned.

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