新奥尔良司机冲撞新年狂欢者,造成至少 15 人死亡;联邦调查局认为他并非单独行动

【中美创新时报2025 年 1 月 1 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)一名美国陆军退伍军人驾驶一辆挂有伊斯兰国旗帜的皮卡车,在新奥尔良喧闹的新年庆祝活动中大开杀戒,造成 15 人死亡,当时他绕过警方封锁线,撞向狂欢者,随后被警方开枪打死。美联社记者埃里克·塔克、吉姆·穆斯蒂安、凯文·麦吉尔和杰克·布鲁克对此作了下述报道。
来自密西西比州格尔夫波特的 18 岁的锡安·帕森斯 (Zion Parsons) 说,他看到卡车“疾驰而过,像电影场景一样把人抛向空中。”

“尸体遍布街道,每个人都在尖叫和呼喊,”帕森斯说,他的朋友尼基拉·德多克斯 (Nikyra Dedeaux) 也是遇难者之一。
“这不仅仅是恐怖主义行为。这是邪恶的,”新奥尔良警察局局长安妮·柯克帕特里克 (Anne Kirkpatrick) 说。
联邦调查局确认司机是来自德克萨斯州的美国公民、42 岁的沙姆苏德丁·贾巴尔 (Shamsud-Din Jabbar),并表示正在努力确定他与恐怖组织的潜在关联。
“我们不认为贾巴尔是唯一的责任人,”联邦调查局助理特工阿莱西娅·邓肯 (Alethea Duncan) 在新闻发布会上说。
当局称,贾巴尔驾驶一辆租来的皮卡车驶上人行道,绕过一辆用来阻挡车辆通行的警车。为准备 2 月份的超级碗,当时正在维修一个旨在防止车辆袭击的护栏系统。
据一位未获授权公开讨论调查情况并要求匿名的执法官员称,调查人员缴获了一把手枪和一支 AR 式步枪。
“对于那些不相信客观邪恶的人,你们所要做的就是看看今天早上在我们城市发生的事情,”路易斯安那州共和党参议员约翰·肯尼迪说。 “如果这还不能激起每一位美国人、每一位公正的美国人的呕吐反应,那我会感到非常惊讶。”
贾巴尔于 2007 年加入陆军,在人力资源和信息技术领域服役,并于 2009 年至 2010 年被派往阿富汗,该部队表示。他于 2015 年转入陆军预备役,并于 2020 年以中士军衔退役。
“我们从前门向外看,看到警戒线和死寂,令人毛骨悚然,”几年前搬到法国区的印第安纳州人泰莎·坎迪夫说。 “这不是我们爱上的东西,这很可悲。”
联邦调查局官员曾多次警告,以色列与哈马斯的战争加剧了国际恐怖主义威胁。去年,该机构挫败了其他潜在袭击,包括 10 月份在俄克拉荷马州逮捕了一名阿富汗男子,他涉嫌在选举日策划针对大批人群的袭击。
题图:2025 年 1 月 1 日,路易斯安那州新奥尔良,一名男子据称在新年凌晨驾车冲撞人群,造成至少 15 人死亡,多个机构的执法人员在波旁街现场工作。Michael DeMocker/Getty
Driver rams New Year’s revelers in New Orleans, killing at least 15; FBI doesn’t believe he acted alone
By ERIC TUCKER, JIM MUSTIAN, KEVIN McGILL, and JACK BROOK Associated Press,Updated January 1, 2025
Law enforcement officers from multiple agencies work the scene on Bourbon Street after at least fifteen people were killed when a person allegedly drove into the crowd in the early morning hours of New Year’s Day on Jan. 1, 2025 in New Orleans, Louisiana.Michael DeMocker/Getty
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A US Army veteran driving a pickup truck that bore the flag of the Islamic State group wrought carnage on New Orleans’ raucous New Year’s celebration, killing 15 people as he steered around a police blockade and slammed into revelers before being shot dead by police.
The FBI said it is investigating the attack early Wednesday as a terrorist act and does not believe the driver acted alone. Investigators found guns and what appeared to be an improvised explosive device in the vehicle, along with other devices elsewhere in the city’s famed French Quarter.
President Biden said Wednesday evening that the FBI found videos that the driver had posted to social media hours before the attack in which he said he was inspired by the Islamic State group and expressed a desire to kill.
The rampage turned festive Bourbon Street into a macabre mayhem of maimed victims, bloodied bodies and pedestrians fleeing for safety inside nightclubs and restaurants. In addition to the dead, dozens of people were hurt. A college football playoff game at the nearby Superdome was postponed until Thursday.
Zion Parsons, 18, of Gulfport, Mississippi, said he saw the truck “barreling through, throwing people like in a movie scene, throwing people into the air.”
“Bodies, bodies all up and down the street, everybody screaming and hollering,” said Parsons, whose friend Nikyra Dedeaux was among the people killed.
“This is not just an act of terrorism. This is evil,” New Orleans Police Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick said.
The driver “defeated” safety measures in place to protect pedestrians, Kirkpatrick said, and was “hell-bent on creating the carnage and the damage that he did.”
The FBI identified the driver as Shamsud-Din Jabbar, 42, a US citizen from Texas, and said it is working to determine his potential associations with terrorist organizations.
“We do not believe that Jabbar was solely responsible,” FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Alethea Duncan said at a news conference.
Investigators found multiple improvised explosives, including two pipe bombs that were concealed within coolers and wired for remote detonation, according to a Louisiana State Police intelligence bulletin obtained by The Associated Press.
The bulletin, relying on preliminary information gathered soon after the attack, also said surveillance footage showed three men and a woman placing one of the devices, but federal officials did not immediately confirm that detail and it wasn’t clear who they were or what connection they had to the attack, if any.
Jabbar drove a rented pickup truck onto a sidewalk, going around a police car that was positioned to block vehicular traffic, authorities said. A barrier system meant to prevent vehicle attacks was being repaired in preparation for the Super Bowl in February.
Jabbar was killed by police after he exited the truck and opened fire on responding officers, Kirkpatrick said. Three officers returned fire. Two were shot and are in stable condition.
Investigators recovered a handgun and AR-style rifle, according to a law enforcement official who was not authorized to discuss the investigation publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.
There were also deadly explosions in Honolulu and outside a Las Vegas hotel owned by President-elect Donald Trump. Biden said the FBI is looking into whether the Las Vegas explosion was connected to the New Orleans attack but had “nothing to report” as of Wednesday evening.
A photo circulated among law enforcement officials showed a bearded Jabbar wearing camouflage next to the truck after he was killed. The intelligence bulletin obtained by the AP said he was wearing a ballistic vest and helmet. The flag of the Islamic State group was on the truck’s trailer hitch, the FBI said.
“For those people who don’t believe in objective evil, all you have to do is look at what happened in our city early this morning,” US Sen. John Kennedy, a Louisiana Republican, said. “If this doesn’t trigger the gag reflex of every American, every fair-minded American, I’ll be very surprised.”
Jabbar joined the Army in 2007, serving on active duty in human resources and information technology and deploying to Afghanistan from 2009 to 2010, the service said. He transferred to the Army Reserve in 2015 and left in 2020 with the rank of staff sergeant.
Hours after the attack, several coroner’s office vans were parked on the corner of Bourbon and Canal streets, cordoned off by police tape with crowds of dazed tourists standing around, some trying to navigate their luggage through the labyrinth of blockades.
Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry urged people to avoid the area, which remained an active crime scene.
“We looked out our front door and saw caution tape and dead silence and it’s eerie,” said Tessa Cundiff, an Indiana native who moved to the French Quarter a few years ago. “This is not what we fell in love with, it’s sad.”
Nearby, life went on as normal in the city known to some for a motto that translates to “let the good times roll.” At a cafe a block from where the truck came to rest, people crowded in for breakfast as upbeat pop music played. Two blocks away, people drank at a bar, seemingly as if nothing happened.
Biden, speaking from the presidential retreat at Camp David, called the attack a “despicable” and “heinous act.” Addressing the victims and the people of New Orleans, he said: “I want you to know I grieve with you. Our nation grieves with you as you mourn and as you heal.”
“My heart goes out to the victims and their families who were simply trying to celebrate the holiday,” Biden said in a statement. “There is no justification for violence of any kind, and we will not tolerate any attack on any of our nation’s communities.”
The attack is the latest example of a vehicle being used as a weapon to carry out mass violence and the deadliest IS-inspired assault on US soil in years.
FBI officials have repeatedly warned about an elevated international terrorism threat due to the Israel-Hamas war. In the last year, the agency has disrupted other potential attacks, including in October when it arrested an Afghan man in Oklahoma for an alleged Election Day plot targeting large crowds.