众议院道德委员会指控马特·盖茨“经常”为性行为买单,包括与一名 17 岁女孩

【中美创新时报2024 年 12 月 23 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)众议院道德委员会周一指控马特·盖茨在担任佛罗里达州共和党国会议员期间“经常”为女性(包括一名 17 岁女孩)买单,并购买和使用非法药物。美联社记者FARNOUSH AMIRI对此作了下述报道。
这份由两党组成的委员会编写的长达 37 页的报告详细描述了现年 42 岁的盖茨在代表佛罗里达州西部狭长地带期间参加的充满性爱的派对和度假。调查结果得出结论,他在任职期间违反了多项与性行为不端有关的州法律。

这个经常秘密行事的两党小组自 2021 年以来一直在调查针对盖茨的指控。然而,上个月,当选总统唐纳德·特朗普选择盖茨作为他的司法部长提名人,其工作变得更加紧迫。盖茨当天辞去国会议员职务,使他脱离了道德委员会的管辖范围。
题图:前众议员马特·盖茨。Rick Scuteri/美联社
House Ethics Committee accuses Matt Gaetz of ‘regularly’ paying for sex, including with 17-year-old girl
By FARNOUSH AMIRI The Associated Press,Updated December 23, 2024
Former representative Matt Gaetz. Rick Scuteri/Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Ethics Committee on Monday accused Matt Gaetz of “regularly” paying women, including a 17-year-old girl, for sex and purchasing and using illicit drugs all while the Florida Republican was a member of Congress.
The 37-page report by the bipartisan panel includes explicit details of sex-filled parties and vacations that Gaetz, now 42, took part in while representing Florida’s western panhandle. The findings conclude that he violated multiple state laws related to sexual misconduct while in office.
“The Committee determined there is substantial evidence that Representative Gaetz violated House Rules and other standards of conduct prohibiting prostitution, statutory rape, illicit drug use, impermissible gifts, special favors or privileges, and obstruction of Congress,” the report states.
The report brings to a close a nearly five-year investigation into Gaetz. Its release comes after at least one Republican joined all five Democrats on the panel earlier this month in a secret vote to release the report about their former colleague despite initial opposition from GOP lawmakers, including House Speaker Mike Johnson, to publishing findings about a former member of Congress.
While ethics reports have previously been released after a member’s resignation, it is extremely rare. Gaetz has repeatedly denied all wrongdoing, saying last week that he would have “no opportunity to debate or rebut” the findings as a former member of the House.
On Monday, Gaetz filed a lawsuit seeking to block the report’s release, saying it contains “untruthful and defamatory information” that would “significantly damage” his “standing and reputation in the community.” Gaetz’s complaint argues he’s no longer under the committee’s jurisdiction since he resigned from Congress.
“The Committee’s position that it may nonetheless publish potentially defamatory findings about a private citizen over whom it claims no jurisdiction represents an unprecedented expansion of Congressional power that threatens fundamental constitutional rights and established procedural protections,” Gaetz’s lawyers wrote in their request for a temporary restraining order.
The often secretive, bipartisan panel has investigated claims against Gaetz since 2021. However, its work became more urgent last month when President-elect Donald Trump picked Gaetz as his attorney general nominee. Gaetz resigned from Congress that same day, putting him outside the purview of the Ethics Committee’s jurisdiction.
But Democrats had pressed to make the report public even after Gaetz was no longer a member and had withdrawn as Trump’s pick to lead the Justice Department. A vote on the House floor this month to force the report’s release failed; all but one Republican voted against it.
Associated Press writers Lisa Mascaro and Alanna Durkin Richer contributed to this report.