【中美创新时报2024 年 12 月 5 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)众议院周四阻止了民主党人发布前众议员马特·盖茨期待已久的道德报告的努力,这让对长达数年的性行为不端指控调查的任何解决方案的命运进一步陷入了不确定性。美联社记者FARNOUSH AMIRI 对此作了下述报道。
尽管佛罗里达州共和党人离开国会并退出当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的司法部长提名人选,但民主党人一直在敦促公布调查结果,随后几乎以党派路线投票。众议员汤姆·麦克林托克(Tom McClintock,共和党,加利福尼亚州)是唯一支持该行动的共和党人。
在投票前不久,众议员肖恩·卡斯滕(Sean Casten,民主党,伊利诺伊州)提出了其中一项强制公布报告的法案,他说,如果共和党拒绝公布报告,他们将“成功将可信的性行为不端指控掩盖起来”。盖茨一再否认这些指控。
他曾经的政治盟友乔尔·格林伯格也是一名共和党人,曾担任佛罗里达州塞米诺尔县的税务员,他在 2021 年与检察官达成认罪协议,承认他付钱给女性和一名未成年女孩,让她们与他和其他男子发生性关系。当他认罪时,法庭文件中没有公布这些男子的身份。格林伯格于 2022 年底被判处 11 年监禁。
题图:马特·盖茨在当选总统唐纳德·特朗普于 2024 年 11 月 14 日星期四在佛罗里达州棕榈滩的 Mar-a-Lago 庄园举行的美国优先政策研究所晚会上发表讲话。Alex Brandon/美联社
House rejects Democratic effort to force release of Matt Gaetz ethics report
By FARNOUSH AMIRI The Associated Press,Updated December 5, 2024
Matt Gaetz talks before President-elect Donald Trump speaks during an America First Policy Institute gala at his Mar-a-Lago estate, Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024, in Palm Beach, Fla.Alex Brandon/Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — The House shut down Democrats’ efforts Thursday to release the long-awaited ethics report into former Rep. Matt Gaetz, pushing the fate of any resolution to the yearslong investigation of sexual misconduct allegations into further uncertainty.
The nearly party-line votes came after Democrats had been pressing for the findings to be published even though the Florida Republican left Congress and withdrew as President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for attorney general. Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif., was the sole Republican to support the effort.
Most Republicans have argued that any congressional probe into Gaetz ended when he resigned from the House. Speaker Mike Johnson also requested that the committee not publish its report, saying it would be a terrible precedent to set.
While ethics reports have previously been released after a member’s resignation, it is extremely rare.
Shortly before the votes took place, Rep. Sean Casten, D-Ill., who introduced one of the bills to force the release, said that if Republicans reject the release, they will have “succeeded in sweeping credible allegations of sexual misconduct under the rug.” Gaetz has repeatedly denied the claims.
A guide through the most important stories of the morning, delivered Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Earlier Thursday, the Ethics panel met to discuss the Gaetz report but made no decision, saying in a short statement that the matter is still being discussed. It’s unclear now whether the document will ever see the light of day as lawmakers only have a few weeks left before a new session of Congress begins.
It’s the culmination of weeks of pressure on the Ethics committee’s five Republicans and five Democrats who mostly work in secret as they investigate allegations of misconduct against lawmakers.
The status of the Gaetz investigation became an open question last month when he abruptly resigned from Congress after Trump’s announcement that he wanted his ally in the Cabinet. It is standard practice for the committee to end investigations when members of Congress depart, but the circumstances surrounding Gaetz were unusual, given his potential role in the new administration.
Rep. Michael Guest, R-Miss., the committee chairman, said Wednesday that there is no longer the same urgency to release the report given that Gaetz has left Congress and stepped aside as Trump’s choice to head the Justice Department.
“I’ve been steadfast about that. He’s no longer a member. He is no longer going to be confirmed by the Senate because he withdrew his nomination to be the attorney general,” Guest said.
The Gaetz report has also caused tensions between lawmakers on the bipartisan committee. Pennsylvania Rep. Susan Wild, the top Democrat on the panel, publicly admonished Guest last month for mischaracterizing a previous meeting to the press.
Gaetz has denied any wrongdoing and said last year that the Justice Department’s separate investigation against him into sex trafficking allegations involving underage girls ended without federal charges.
His onetime political ally Joel Greenberg, a fellow Republican who served as the tax collector in Florida’s Seminole County, admitted as part of a plea deal with prosecutors in 2021 that he paid women and an underage girl to have sex with him and other men. The men were not identified in court documents when he pleaded guilty. Greenberg was sentenced in late 2022 to 11 years in prison.