
【中美创新时报2024 年 11 月 20编译讯】(记者温友平编译)众议院道德委员会共和党人周三投票反对公布该委员会对当选总统唐纳德·特朗普提名的司法部长候选人、前众议员马特·盖茨的长期调查,该委员会的民主党高层表示。美联社记者LISA MASCARO 和 STEPHEN GROVES 对此作了下述报道。
众议院小组预计将于 12 月 5 日再次开会,重新考虑公布调查结果。
“在这个问题上没有达成共识,”该委员会的资深民主党人、宾夕法尼亚州众议员苏珊·怀尔德 (Susan Wild) 表示,她表示投票结果符合党派立场,委员会的投票结果势均力敌。

怀尔德说,委员会在一次漫长的闭门会议上进行了投票,没有共和党人加入民主党人希望公布报告的行列。据一位不愿透露姓名的人士透露,仅公布报告所依据的证据的投票也未能按照党派路线进行。 。
在委员会共和党主席、密西西比州众议员迈克尔·盖斯特 (Michael Guest) 描述了会议上发生的事情后,她被迫发言。他曾表示,双方没有就此事达成一致。
北达科他州共和党参议员凯文·克莱默 (Kevin Cramer) 说,在盖茨发起确认竞选活动的同时,特朗普本人告诉参议员,他希望“让马特跨过终点线”。克莱默周二与当选总统和其他人一起在德克萨斯州与亿万富翁埃隆·马斯克一起参加了 SpaceX 火箭发射。
俄亥俄州参议员、当选副总统 JD Vance 正在引导盖茨参加参议院会谈,主要是与司法委员会成员进行会谈,这将是确认程序的第一站。与参议院盟友的会谈主要是一场战略会议,他强调需要举行听证会,以便阐述他和特朗普对司法部的愿景。
与此同时,本周,参与盖茨同伙提起的民事案件的律师收到通知,一名未经授权的人访问了律师之间共享的一份文件,其中包括联邦调查中未删节的证词,一名女性称盖茨在她 17 岁时与她发生过性关系,另一名女性称她看到了这次性接触,律师乔尔·莱帕德 (Joel Leppard) 表示。
参议院司法委员会的民主党人周三致信联邦调查局局长克里斯托弗·雷 (Christopher Wray) 向该委员会提供“完整的证据文件”,包括“在前国会议员马特·盖茨涉嫌性交易未成年人的封闭调查中”记录采访的表格。
盖茨在国会监督听证会上成为焦点,他抨击了保守派所称的司法部内部的偏袒,司法部指控特朗普在卸任后处理机密文件不当,并在 2021 年 1 月 6 日国会大厦袭击事件发生前试图推翻 2020 年大选的结果。2020 年大选败给了民主党人乔·拜登。
2025 年 1 月 3 日,新一届国会召开,共和党将获得多数席位,参议员们预计将开始就特朗普的提名人举行听证会,并可能在 1 月 20 日就职典礼当天进行投票。
题图:11 月 20 日,马特·盖茨(左)和 JD Vance 在美国国会大厦。Kevin Dietsch/摄影师:Kevin Dietsch/Gett
Republicans on the House Ethics Committee reject releasing report on Matt Gaetz
By LISA MASCARO and STEPHEN GROVES The Associated Press,Updated November 20, 2024
Matt Gaetz, left, and JD Vance at the US Capitol on Nov. 20.Kevin Dietsch/Photographer: Kevin Dietsch/Gett
WASHINGTON (AP) — House Ethics Committee Republicans voted Wednesday against releasing the panel’s long-running investigation into President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for attorney general, former Rep. Matt Gaetz, the top Democrat on the panel said.
The outcome, however, is only a temporary reprieve for Gaetz, who faces allegations of sexual misconduct, as he works to personally secure his embattled nomination to be the nation’s top law enforcement official.
The House panel expects to meet again Dec. 5 to reconsider releasing its findings.
“There was no consensus on this issue,” said Rep. Susan Wild of Pennsylvania, the panel’s ranking Democrat, who said the vote fell along party lines on the evenly split committee.
The standoff comes as Trump, and Gaetz, are digging in for a potentially lengthy, brutal, confirmation fight ahead. Gaetz met privately for hours Wednesday with Republican senators who have heard questions about the allegations and will be considering their votes on his nomination.
Trump has in Gaetz a valued ally who is bringing wide-ranging proposals to rid the Department of Justice of those perceived to have “weaponized” their work against the president-elect, his allies and conservatives in general.
At least one Republican senator decried the scrutiny as a “lynch mob” forming against Gaetz.
“I’m not going to legitimize the process to destroy the man because people don’t like his politics,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., as he left the private senators’ meeting .
“He deserves a chance to make his argument why he should be attorney general,” Graham said. “No rubber stamp, no lynch mob.”
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., who is supportive of Gaetz’s nomination, emerged saying, “If you have concerns, that’s fine. But don’t make up your mind yet. Let the guy testify first.”
Gaetz has long denied the mounting allegations against him.
The House ethics panel, however, is not finished with its work.
Wild said the committee voted at a lengthy closed-door meeting, and no Republican joined Democrats who wanted to release the report. A vote to release just the exhibits underlying the report also failed along party lines, according to a person granted anonymity to discuss the private session. .
However, the House committee did vote to complete the report, which passed with some Republican support, the person said.
Wild she she was compelled to speak up after the panel’s Republican chairman, Rep. Michael Guest of Mississippi, characterized what had transpired at its session. He had said there was no agreement reached on the matter.
As Gaetz mounts his campaign for confirmation, Trump himself told senators that he hoped “to get Matt across the finish line,” said Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., who was with the president-elect and others for a SpaceX rocket launch Tuesday with billionaire Elon Musk in Texas.
Vice President-elect JD Vance, an Ohio senator, was shepherding Gaetz through the Senate talks, largely with members of the Judiciary Committee that will be the first stop in confirmation proceedings. The meeting with Senate allies was largely a strategy session where he emphasized the need to get a hearing where he could lay out his and Trump’s vision for the Justice Department.
It follows a meeting Gaetz had at the start of the week with the conservative House Freedom Caucus, whose members have expressed enthusiasm for his approach to wholesale changes, which have instilled a climate of anxiety and dismay at the department.
Vance reminded the GOP senators that Trump’s presidential victory had coattails that boosted their ranks to the majority. “He deserves a Cabinet that is loyal to the agenda he was elected to implement,” the outgoing Ohio senator posted on social media.
At the same time, attorneys involved in a civil case brought by a Gaetz associate were notified this week that an unauthorized person accessed a file shared between lawyers that included unredacted depositions in a federal probe from a woman who has said Gaetz had sex with her when she was 17, and a second woman who says she saw the encounter, according to attorney Joel Leppard.
The Senate Judiciary Committee’s Democrats sent a letter Wednesday asking FBI Director Christopher Wray to provide to the panel “the complete evidentiary file,” including the forms memorializing interviews “in the closed investigation of former Congressman Matt Gaetz’s alleged sex trafficking of minors.”
Gaetz has said the department’s investigation into sex trafficking allegations involving underage girls, separate from the House committee’s probe, had ended with no federal charges against him.
“The grave public allegations against Mr. Gaetz speak directly to his fitness to serve as the chief law enforcement officer for the federal government,” wrote Judiciary Chairman Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and others on the panel.
While House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., has said the committee should not release the report because Gaetz swiftly resigned his congressional seat after Trump announced the nomination, several GOP senators have indicated they want all information before having to make a decision on how they would vote.
Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, who also met with Gaetz, said of the committee’s report, “We didn’t get into a lot of detail as to what he expects to be in there, but he expressed confidence that what is before the committee are a series of false accusations.”
Gaetz emerged star at congressional oversight hearings as he railed against what conservatives claim is favoritism within the Justice Department, which indicted Trump over alleged mishandling of classified documents after he left office and for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election, which lost to Democrat Joe Biden, before the Jan. 6, 2021 attack at the Capitol.
But the president-elect’s pick has been among the most surprising, and provocative.
Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., a Trump ally, said she had a great meeting with Gaetz and looked forward to “a speedy confirmation for our next attorney general.” She wrote on social media that Trump’s Cabinet “is going to shake up the D.C. swamp, and we look forward to moving his nominees.”
Cramer still said that Gaetz had a “steep climb” to confirmation.
“Donald Trump is understandably, legitimately and authentically concerned that he has an attorney general that’s willing to do what he wants him to do,” Cramer said. “Matt Gaetz is definitely the guy that will not hold on any punches. “
As soon as the new Congress convenes Jan. 3, 2025, when Republicans take majority control, senators are expected to begin holding hearings on Trump’s nominees, with voting possible on Inauguration Day Jan. 20.