

【中美创新时报2024 年 11 月 15 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)如果您想让孩子就读马萨诸塞州顶尖的私立走读或寄宿学校,您将花费一大笔钱。《波士顿环球报》记者Camilo Fonseca对此作了下述报道。

根据该州小学和中学教育部的数据,约有 66,000 名学生(约占该州学龄人口的 7%)就读州内私立和教区学校。虽然这一数字已从十年前的 78,000 名学生下滑,但一些社区(包括波士顿的几个郊区)近年来就读私立学校的学生比例有所上升,尽管马萨诸塞州的学龄人口继续下降。

尽管批评人士表示,私立学校将中等和高收入学生从公立学校中吸引出来,加剧了教育不平等,但许多家长还是更喜欢私立学校,因为私立学校有专门的课程或更高的学术标准,尤其是马萨诸塞州许多公立学校缺乏专门的“天才”项目。马萨诸塞州长期以来一直被视为全国最好的公立教育系统之一,但在选民决定取消将高中毕业与 MCAS 分数挂钩的要求后,该州公立教育系统的未来变得不确定——这一措施不顾该州许多最富裕社区的反对而通过。

其他家长可能更喜欢一些私立学校提供的文化或宗教基础。仅波士顿大主教区就有 93 所天主教学校,更不用说其他地区的数十所教区学校以及提供语言和文化浸入式课程的学校了。

进入私立学校的最大障碍可能是学费。除了一些相对便宜的选择外,马萨诸塞州大多数顶级私立学校每年的学费在 40,000 美元到 70,000 美元之间。在最负盛名的学校,如果没有经济援助,学费每年可能接近 80,000 美元,与顶级私立大学的学费相差无几。



菲利普斯学院安多佛(9-12 年级)——安多佛

2024-25 学费:73,780 美元(寄宿);57,190 美元(日间)

平均学费援助:58,000 美元

库欣学院(9-12 年级)——阿什伯纳姆

2024-25 学费:75,500 美元(寄宿); 51,050 美元(日间)

主教费汉高中(9-12 年级)——阿特尔伯勒

2024-25 学年学费:14,550 美元

学费补助:2024-25 学年,每 3 名学生中就有 1 名获得补助

贝尔蒙特山学校(7-12 年级)——贝尔蒙特

2024-25 学年学费:73,800 美元(寄宿); 64,800 美元(日间)

平均学费补助:52,000 美元

波士顿三一学院(6-12 年级)——波士顿海德公园

2024-25 学年国内学生学费:29,250 美元

2024-25 学年国际学生学费:39,250 美元

学费补助:约 60% 的家庭获得补助

联邦学校(9-12 年级)——波士顿后湾区

2024-25 学年学费:57,625 美元

平均学费补助:44,740 美元

纽曼学校(7-12 年级)——波士顿后湾区

2024-25 学年国内学生学费:68,000 美元(寄宿,9-12 年级); 34,000 美元(日间,7-12 年级)

2024-25 年国际学生学费:75,000 美元(寄宿,9-12 年级); 41,000 美元(日间,7-12 年级)

学费补助:约 30% 的学生获得

波士顿大学学院(9-12 年级)——波士顿

2024-25 学费:58,508 美元

平均学费补助:44,550 美元

波士顿学院高中(7-12 年级)——多切斯特

2024-25 学费:29,455 美元

学费补助:2024-25 学年约 41% 的学生可获得

英国国际学校(学前班-12 年级)——牙买加平原,波士顿

2024-25 学费:从 34,570 美元(学前班)到 46,750 美元(11-12 年级)

温莎学校(5-12 年级)——波士顿朗伍德区

2024-25 学费: $62,475

学费补助:25% 的学生可获得

天主教纪念学校 (7-12) — 波士顿西罗克斯伯里

2024-25 学费:28,200 美元

罗克斯伯里拉丁学校 (7-12) — 波士顿西罗克斯伯里

2024-25 学费:40,600 美元

学费补助:2024-25 年约 39% 的学生可获得

帕克学校 (学前班至 8 年级) — 布鲁克莱恩

2024-25 学费:45,610 美元(学前班至 4 年级);55,300 美元(5-8 年级)

平均学费补助:39,540 美元

塞耶学院 (5-12) — 布伦特里

2024-25 学费:60,330 美元(中学); 63,100 美元(高中)

平均学费补助:40,770 美元

德克斯特南菲尔德(学前班至 12 年级)——布鲁克林

2024-25 学费:从 42,000 美元(学前班)到 62,200 美元(9-12 年级)

迈蒙尼德学校(学前班至 12 年级)——布鲁克莱恩

2024-25 学费:14,975 美元(学前班)至 39,875 美元(9-12 年级)

平均学费补助:23,000 美元

白金汉布朗和尼科尔斯学校(学前班至 12 年级)——剑桥

2024-25 学费:44,750 美元(学前班至 3 年级)至 63,700 美元(7-12 年级)

波士顿国际学校(学前班至 12 年级)——剑桥

2024-25 学费:33,140 美元(学前班)至 46,060 美元(9-12 年级)

康科德学院(9-12 年级)——康科德

2024-25 学费:78,610 美元(寄宿); $62,960(日间)



2024-25 学费:$75,475(寄宿);$61,270(日间)



2024-25 学费:$62,970

学费补助:25% 的家庭获得


2024-25 学费:从 $41,350(学前班)到 $63,650(6-12)

平均学费补助:$28,791(小学); $43,464(中学);$48,850(高中)


2024-25 学费:$33,490



2024-25 学费:$68,600(寄宿);$62,600(日间)



2024-25 学费:$28,950



2024-25 学费:$71,770(寄宿); $51,510(日间)


威利斯顿北安普顿学校(7-12 年级)— 东汉普顿

2024-25 学费:$76,600(寄宿);$52,800(日间);$42,500(中学)

学费补助:约 40% 的学生获得

诺斯菲尔德赫尔蒙山(9-12 年级)— 吉尔

2024-25 学费:$74,826(寄宿);$49,751(日间)


格罗顿学校(9-12 年级)— 格罗顿

2024-25 学费:$60,895(寄宿); 47,420 美元(日间)

平均学费补助:47,245 美元(寄宿);36,159 美元(日间)

劳伦斯学院(9-12 年级)——格罗顿

2024-25 学费:75,250 美元(寄宿); 60,900 美元(日间)

学费补助:26% 的学生获得

平格里学校(9-12 年级)——汉密尔顿

2024-25 学费:58,500 美元

平均学费补助:36,000 美元

圣母学院(6-12 年级)——欣厄姆

2024-25 学费:29,900 美元


2024-25 学费:19,500 美元

学费补助:65% 的家庭获得

方特邦(7-12 年级)——米尔顿

2024-25 学费:23,500 美元

米尔顿学院(K-12 年级)——米尔顿

2024-25 学费:75,980 美元(寄宿); 65,980 美元(日间)

平均学费补助:学费的 75%

圣塞巴斯蒂安学校(7-12 年级)——尼德姆

2024-25 学费:60,900 美元

学费补助:33% 的学生获得

费森登学校(5-9 年级)——牛顿

2024-25 日间学费:从 38,100 美元(学前班)到 61,200 美元(9 年级)

2024-25 寄宿学费:从 69,700 美元(5 年级)到 84,900 美元(9 年级)

牛顿乡村日间学校(5-12 年级)——牛顿

2024-25 学费:64,075 美元

学费补助:约 30% 的学生获得

布鲁克斯学校(9-12) — 北安多弗

2024-25 学费:77,100 美元(寄宿);63,300 美元(日间)

平均学费补助:51,000 美元

费伊学校(K-9)— 南伯勒

2024-25 日间学费:从 29,330 美元(幼儿园)到 49,980 美元(9 年级)

2024-25 寄宿学费:从 69,520 美元(7 年级)到 81,480 美元(9 年级)

圣马可学校(9-12)— 南伯勒

2024-25 学费:76,100 美元(寄宿); 60,500 美元(日间)

学费补助:30% 的学生获得

伯克希尔学校(9-12 年级)— 谢菲尔德

2024-25 学年学费:76,100 美元(寄宿);57,400 美元(日间)

平均学费补助:55,000 美元

教堂山-昌西霍尔学校(7-12 年级)— 沃尔瑟姆

2024-25 学年学费:74,000 美元(寄宿);61,000 美元(日间)

达纳霍尔学校(5-12 年级)— 韦尔斯利

2024-25 学年学费:74,977 美元(寄宿);60,809 美元(日间)

平均学费补助:69,288 美元(寄宿); $44,511(日间)

韦斯顿剑桥学校(9-12 年级)——韦斯顿

2024-25 学费:$75,200(寄宿);$60,850(日间)

学费补助:约 30% 的学生获得补助

里弗斯学校(6-12 年级)——韦斯顿

2024-25 学费:$63,290

泽维尔兄弟高中(7-12 年级)——韦斯特伍德

2024-25 学费:$26,800

学费补助:56% 的学生获得补助

题图:马萨诸塞州米尔顿市米尔顿学院校园内的一栋建筑。David L. Ryan/Globe 员工


Want to send your kid to a top private school in Mass.? Here’s how much it’s going to cost you.

By Camilo Fonseca Globe Staff,Updated November 15, 2024

A building on the campus of Milton Academy in Milton, Mass.David L. Ryan/Globe Staff

If you want your child to attend a top private day or boarding school in Massachusetts, it’s going to cost you a pretty penny.

Approximately 66,000 students, about 7 percent of the state’s school-age population, attend in-state private and parochial schools, according to the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. While that number has slipped from 78,000 students a decade ago, some communities, including several Boston suburbs, have seen the percentage of students enrolling in private schools climb in recent years, even as the school-age population in the Bay State continues to decline.

Though critics say private schools worsen educational inequality by drawing middle- and upper-income students out of public systems, many parents prefer them for their specialized curriculums or what they see as higher academic standards, especially since many public schools in Massachusetts lack dedicated “gifted” programs. And the future of the state’s public education system, long seen as one of the best in the nation, is uncertain after voters moved to eliminate a requirement tying high school graduation to MCAS scores — a measure passed over the opposition of many in the state’s wealthiest communities.

Other parents may prefer the cultural or religious grounding provided by some private schools. There are 93 Catholic schools in the Boston Archdiocese alone, not to mention dozens of other parochial schools elsewhere and schools with language- and cultural-immersion programs.

Perhaps the largest barrier to entry is affordability. Aside from a few comparatively affordable options, most top private schools in Massachusetts cost between $40,000 and $70,000 a year. At the most prestigious institutions, the cost can approach $80,000 a year without financial aid, not far from the cost of top private colleges.

That’s not to say that financial aid isn’t available for many students. Most schools offer some degree of need-based tuition assistance, though the dollar amounts can vary widely depending on the student and the school.

Here are the annual listed tuition costs at some of the best-known private schools in Massachusetts:

Phillips Academy Andover (grades 9-12) — Andover

2024–25 tuition: $73,780 (boarding); $57,190 (day)

Average tuition assistance: $58,000

Cushing Academy (9-12) — Ashburnham

2024–25 tuition: $75,500 (boarding); $51,050 (day)

Bishop Feehan High School (9-12) — Attleboro

2024–25 tuition: $14,550

Tuition assistance: Awarded to 1 in 3 students in 2024–25

Belmont Hill School (7-12)— Belmont

2024–25 tuition: $73,800 (boarding); $64,800 (day)

Average tuition assistance: $52,000

Boston Trinity Academy (6-12) — Hyde Park, Boston

2024–25 domestic student tuition: $29,250

2024–25 international student tuition: $39,250

Tuition assistance: Received by approximately 60 percent of families

Commonwealth School (9-12) — Back Bay, Boston

2024–25 tuition: $57,625

Average tuition assistance: $44,740

The Newman School (7-12) — Back Bay, Boston

2024–25 domestic student tuition: $68,000 (boarding, grades 9-12); $34,000 (day, grades 7-12)

2024–25 international student tuition: $75,000 (boarding, grades 9-12); $41,000 (day, grades 7-12)

Tuition assistance: Received by approximately 30 percent of students

Boston University Academy (9-12) — Boston

2024–25 tuition: $58,508

Average tuition assistance: $44,550

Boston College High School (7-12) — Dorchester

2024–25 tuition: $29,455

Tuition assistance: Available to approximately 41 percent of students in 2024–25

British International School (pre-K-12) — Jamaica Plain, Boston

2024–25 tuition: From $34,570 (pre-K) to $46,750 (11-12)

The Winsor School (5-12)— Longwood Area, Boston

2024–25 tuition: $62,475

Tuition assistance: Available to 25 percent of students

Catholic Memorial (7-12) — West Roxbury, Boston

2024–25 tuition: $28,200

Roxbury Latin School (7-12) — West Roxbury, Boston

2024–25 tuition: $40,600

Tuition assistance: Available to approximately 39 percent of students in 2024–25

The Park School (pre-K-8) — Brookline

2024–25 tuition: $45,610 (PreK-4); $55,300 (5-8)

Average tuition assistance: $39,540

Thayer Academy (5-12) — Braintree

2024–25 tuition: $60,330 (middle school); $63,100 (upper school)

Average tuition assistance: $40,770

Dexter Southfield (pre-K-12) — Brookline

2024–25 tuition: From $42,000 (pre-K) to $62,200 (9-12)

Maimonides School (pre-K-12) — Brookline

2024–25 tuition: From $14,975 (pre-K) to $39,875 (9-12)

Average tuition assistance: $23,000

Buckingham Browne & Nichols School (pre-K-12) — Cambridge

2024–25 tuition: From $44,750 (PreK-3) to $63,700 (7-12)

International School of Boston (pre-K-12) — Cambridge

2024–25 tuition: From $33,140 (pre-K) to $46,060 (9-12)

Concord Academy (9-12) — Concord

2024–25 tuition: $78,610 (boarding); $62,960 (day)

Average tuition assistance: $65,503 (boarding); $28,442 (day)

Middlesex School (9-12) — Concord

2024–25 tuition: $75,475 (boarding); $61,270 (day)

Average tuition assistance: $56,731

Beaver Country Day School (6-12) — Chestnut Hill

2024–25 tuition: $62,970

Tuition assistance: Received by 25 percent of families

Brimmer and May School (pre-K-12) — Chestnut Hill

2024–25 tuition: From $41,350 (pre-K) to $63,650 (6-12)

Average tuition assistance: $28,791 (lower school); $43,464 (middle school); $48,850 (upper school)

St. John’s Preparatory School (6-12) — Danvers

2024–25 tuition: $33,490

Average tuition assistance: $13,448

Noble and Greenough School (7-12) — Dedham

2024–25 tuition: $68,600 (boarding); $62,600 (day)

Average tuition assistance: $47,907

Ursuline Academy (7-12) — Dedham

2024–25 tuition: $28,950

Average tuition assistance: $11,900

Deerfield Academy (9-12) — Deerfield

2024–25 tuition: $71,770 (boarding); $51,510 (day)

Average tuition assistance: $60,850

Williston Northampton School (7-12)— Easthampton

2024–25 tuition: $76,600 (boarding); $52,800 (day); $42,500 (middle school)

Tuition assistance: Received by approximately 40 percent of students

Northfield Mount Hermon (9-12) — Gill

2024–25 tuition: $74,826 (boarding); $49,751 (day)

Average tuition assistance: $56,314 (boarding); $34,361 (day)

Groton School (9-12) — Groton

2024–25 tuition: $60,895 (boarding); $47,420 (day)

Average tuition assistance: $47,245 (boarding); $36,159 (day)

Lawrence Academy (9-12) — Groton

2024–25 tuition: $75,250 (boarding); $60,900 (day)

Tuition assistance: Received by 26 percent of students

Pingree School (9-12) — Hamilton

2024–25 tuition: $58,500

Average tuition assistance: $36,000

Notre Dame Academy (6-12)— Hingham

2024–25 tuition: $29,900

Malden Catholic High School — Malden

2024–25 tuition: $19,500

Tuition assistance: Received by 65 percent of families

Fontbonne (7-12) — Milton

2024–25 tuition: $23,500

Milton Academy (K-12) — Milton

2024–25 tuition: $75,980 (boarding); $65,980 (day)

Average tuition assistance: 75 percent of tuition

St. Sebastian’s School (7-12) — Needham

2024–25 tuition: $60,900

Tuition assistance: Received by 33 percent of students

The Fessenden School (5-9) — Newton

2024–25 day tuition: From $38,100 (pre-K) to $61,200 (9th grade)

2024–25 boarding tuition: From $69,700 (5th grade) to $84,900 (9th grade)

Newton Country Day School (5-12) — Newton

2024–25 tuition: $64,075

Tuition assistance: Received by approximately 30 percent of students

Brooks School (9-12) — North Andover

2024–25 tuition: $77,100 (boarding); $63,300 (day)

Average tuition assistance: $51,000

Fay School (K-9) — Southborough

2024–25 day tuition: From $29,330 (kindergarten) to $49,980 (9th grade)

2024–25 boarding tuition: From $69,520 (7th grade) to $81,480 (9th grade)

St. Mark’s School (9-12) — Southborough

2024–25 tuition: $76,100 (boarding); $60,500 (day)

Tuition assistance: Received by 30 percent of students

Berkshire School (9-12)— Sheffield

2024–25 tuition: $76,100 (boarding); $57,400 (day)

Average tuition assistance: $55,000

Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School (7-12) — Waltham

2024–25 tuition: $74,000 (boarding); $61,000 (day)

Dana Hall School (5-12)— Wellesley

2024–25 tuition: $74,977 (boarding); $60,809 (day)

Average tuition assistance: $69,288 (boarding); $44,511 (day)

Cambridge School of Weston (9-12) — Weston

2024–25 tuition: $75,200 (boarding); $60,850 (day)

Tuition assistance: Received by approximately 30 percent of students

The Rivers School (6-12) — Weston

2024–25 tuition: $63,290

Xaverian Brothers High School (7-12) — Westwood

2024–25 tuition: $26,800

Tuition assistance: Received by 56 percent of students
