
【中美创新时报2024 年 9 月 26 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)周一晚上,特朗普将自己塑造成女性的“保护者”,在战场宾夕法尼亚州表示,他将拯救她们脱离恐惧和孤独,她们将不再需要考虑堕胎。美联社记者吉尔·科尔文(JILL COLVIN)对此作了下述报道。
“你将不再被抛弃、孤独或害怕。你将不再处于危险之中。 … 你们将不再为我们国家今天面临的所有问题而焦虑,”特朗普说。“你们将受到保护,我将成为你们的保护者。”
在周五的一次市政厅活动中,莫雷诺哀叹堕胎已成为许多郊区女性的决定性问题,称这种想法“顺便说一句,有点疯狂,尤其是对 50 多岁的女性来说。我在想,‘我真的不认为这对你来说是个问题。’”

前共和党总统候选人尼基·黑利在社交媒体帖子中愤怒地回应了莫雷诺。“你是想输掉选举吗?”她问道。“替朋友问。#Tonedeaf #DonLemonVibes。”后者指的是前 CNN 主播唐·莱蒙在 2023 年竞选期间提出的建议,即 51 岁的黑利“已过了巅峰时期”。
女性已经成为特朗普竞选活动的核心弱点,女性对他的评价低于男性。9 月份的一项 AP-NORC 民意调查发现,超过一半的女性登记选民对哈里斯有一定或非常好的看法,而只有大约三分之一的人对特朗普有好感。
“女性将健康、快乐、自信和自由。 “你们不会再考虑堕胎问题了,”特朗普周一表示,并坚称这个问题“不再存在”,尽管共和党主导的州的女性正在努力应对一系列新限制,这些限制导致急诊室拒绝治疗孕妇,ProPublica 称这至少与两起可预防的死亡有关。
题图:9 月 17 日,唐纳德·特朗普的支持者观看了这位前总统参加密歇根州弗林特市的市政厅活动,由阿肯色州州长 Sarah Huckabee Sanders 主持。Ricky Carioti/华盛顿邮报
Trump tells women he ‘will be your protector’ as GOP struggles with outreach to female voters
By JILL COLVIN Associated Press,Updated September 25, 2024
Supporters of Donald Trump watched the former president participate in a town hall event on Sept. 17 in Flint, Mich., moderated by Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders.Ricky Carioti/The Washington Post
INDIANA, Pa. — From former president Donald Trump to Ohio Senate candidate Bernie Moreno, male Republican candidates are struggling to speak to female voters, using language criticized as tone-deaf and patronizing as they try to win support from women and speak to issues important to them.
On Monday night, Trump cast himself as a “protector” of women, saying in battleground Pennsylvania that he will save them from fear and loneliness and they will no longer have to think about abortion.
“You will no longer be abandoned, lonely, or scared. You will no longer be in danger. … You will no longer have anxiety from all of the problems our country has today,” Trump said. “You will be protected, and I will be your protector.”
At a town hall event on Friday, Moreno bemoaned the fact that abortion has become the deciding issue for many suburban women, calling the notion “a little crazy, by the way, but especially for women that are like past 50. I’m thinking to myself, ‘I don’t really think that’s an issue for you.’”
Former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley responded with exasperation to Moreno in a social media post. “Are you trying to lose the election?” she asked. “Asking for a friend. #Tonedeaf #DonLemonVibes.” The latter was a reference to former CNN anchor Don Lemon’s suggestion during the 2023 campaign that Haley, at 51, was “past her prime.”
The comments underscore the GOP’s challenges in appealing to women, especially when it comes to the issue of abortion. The problem has become amplified since Vice President Kamala Harris replaced President Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket.
Women have emerged as a core weakness for Trump’s campaign, and he is viewed less favorably by women than men. A September AP-NORC poll found more than half of registered voters who are women have a somewhat or very favorable view of Harris, while only about one-third have a favorable view of Trump.
The gender gap — the difference between the share of men and women who say they’re supporting each candidate — has been in the double digits for Trump and Harris in several recent polls. That split has been attributed, in part, to Trump’s role in appointing the Supreme Court justices who overturned the constitutional right to an abortion — a ruling he continues to celebrate at his events.
“Women will be healthy, happy, confident, and free. You will no longer be thinking about abortion,” Trump said Monday, insisting the issue “no longer pertains,” even as women living in Republican-led states grapple with a wave of new restrictions that have left emergency rooms refusing to treat pregnant women and been linked by ProPublica to at least two preventable deaths.
Instead of helping Trump expand his appeal with women, such language is likely to turn them off, argued Debbie Walsh, the director of the Center for American Women and Politics at the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University.
“This notion that women need to be protected, that women are somehow weak or vulnerable — this sort of protectionist, patronizing tone … I think for a lot of women will just add to that sense of he doesn’t understand their lives, that he doesn’t understand where they are on a whole host of issues,” she said.
Many women, she noted, believe that overturning Roe v. Wade has “put their lives at risk.”
Trump’s pledge to protect women is also complicated by his long history of personal attacks against women as well as a jury’s finding last year that he sexually abused a magazine columnist decades earlier in a department store dressing room. Trump has denied the allegations, along with multiple others that have emerged over the years.
“This kind of language is just more evidence that Donald Trump is out of touch with American women,” said Jennifer Lawless, chair of the politics department at the University of Virginia. “Not only is the sentiment paternalistic, but the fact that he uttered these words while simultaneously berating women for caring about reproductive rights is stunning.”
Trump’s campaign dismissed the criticism as coming from partisan voices and said Trump’s comments reflected his voters’ top issues.
“President Trump is responding directly to the concerns that he hears and our campaign hears from women across the country every day, their fear, the very real fear that women have about being assaulted or potentially raped by criminals or illegal immigrants who have been allowed in this country,” said Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt.
Harris’s campaign said Trump’s latest comments showed he was trying to tell women “what to think and what we care about.”
“Women know better — and we will not be silenced, dismissed, ignored, or treated like we’re stupid,” spokesperson Sarafina Chitika said in a statement.
Moreno spokesperson Reagan McCarthy, meanwhile, said the Senate candidate’s comment was made in jest.
“Bernie’s view is that women voters care just as much about the economy, rising prices, crime, and our open southern border as male voters do, and it’s disgusting that Democrats and their friends in the left-wing media constantly treat all women as if they’re automatically single-issue voters on abortion who don’t have other concerns that they vote on,” she said in a statement.