

【中美创新时报2024年8月8日特别报道】(记者温友平)2024年6月15日,全球著名医美品牌 BTL 美丽巴士全美巡游波士顿站免费体验EMFACE®、EMSCULPT NEO等多种医美前沿仪器活动走进了位于马萨诸塞州沃特敦市(City Of Watertown)的爱美思医美中心(AMEE’S MEDICAL SPA),来自大波士顿地区的近百名居民现场免费体验了EMFACE®、EMSCULPT NEO等创新型科技所带来的面部和肌肉全新健康医美项目治疗,获得了一种全新的无痛、无创的现代医美“抗衰老”认知。

据爱美思医美中心创始人方柳君(Amy Wu)介绍, EMFACE®由BTL公司研发,是全球第一部也是唯一一部同时提升面部肌肉、治疗筋膜层及真皮层的仪器,是全球第一个也是唯一一个同时使用射频和HIFES™能量来治疗皮肤和肌肉的技术。在治疗过程中,EMFACE®配合专利HIFES™技术及单极射频,以治疗温度 40-42°C及深度高达 20 毫米的电流直接施加到组织中并收缩肌肉,针对精细的面部肌肉,令筋膜及结缔组织重塑,刺激纤维母细胞活性增加,促进肌肉蛋白质合成和肌原纤维重生。


记者在活动现场了解到,在这次EMFACE®等品牌推广活动前夕,爱美思医美中心成为了大波士顿地区华人第一家运用EMFACE®、EMSCULPT NEO医美器材的专业医美机构。从而再一次在创新医美器材治疗运用上继续领跑,为爱美思医美品牌及其广大客户医美服务注入了新的内涵。

记者切身体验EMSCULPT NEO腹部肌肉治疗

记者由于长期伏案写作缺乏运动,明显有了“将军肚“特征,于是便决定在爱美思医美中心尝试运用EMSCULPT NEO 治疗。据介绍,EMSCULPT NEO 是一种非侵入性治疗,同时结合了射频加热和 HIFEM 程序来减少脂肪和增强肌肉。该治疗有助于消除和去除体内的脂肪细胞,同时通过强烈的肌肉收缩促进肌肉生长。临床研究表明,使用 EMSCULPT NEO 后,皮下脂肪平均减少 30%,肌肉厚度增加 25%。

在进行EMSCULPT NEO为期一个疗程(每周一次,一共四次,每次30分钟)的过程中,记者在其医美中心与其说是取得良好的治疗效果(不但体重减少了4磅左右,而且腹肌也更加结实),倒不如说是获得了对于现代医美在自己日常生活与健康中所起到作用的一种观念的全新认知。


在一个周末下午,记者如约来到了爱美思医美中心开始了第一次治疗。爱美思医美中心创始人方柳君,以及美国内 科学院院士、爱美思医美中心医疗主任吴皓医生,显然是对于记者的体验治疗给予了热情服务和高度重视,并向记者详细介绍了腹部肌肉治疗的专业知识。

这种腹部肌肉治疗,主要是在腹部绑住一个治疗仪器,链接到EMSCULPT NEO治疗主机,并在主机上设定治疗客户的年龄、体重、身高等参照数据,通过传导高频聚焦单极电流敲击和单极射频敲击两种模式,作用到身体腹腹肌部位产生缓慢或强烈的肌肉收缩。记者在治疗过程中,最为明显的感觉就是强烈地肌肉收缩,不过这种收缩是随着单极高频射频的快慢和强弱交替变换的。同时,腹部还有明显地可以忍受的温度焦灼感。


方柳君介绍说,在30分钟内,EMSCULPT NEO治疗将使腹部肌肉收缩频率可以达到2万次,即相当于2万次的仰卧起坐的运动效果。这对于那些长期伏案工作,又很难持续坚持每天锻炼的人群来说,是一种见效快的减肥增肌治疗方式。同时,这种高频射频治疗,将会在腹部产生体感最高42摄氏度的温度。


据介绍,EMSCULPT NEO治疗仪器结合了两种突破性科技,即同步输出单极射频与专利 HIFES™能量。而且多年实践表明,其射频聚焦点既保护了皮肤,又直接到达了肌肉底层的脂肪,产生了消除脂肪能量。

这种高频聚焦的 科学原理何在?吴皓医生介绍说,人的皮肤是分几个层次的,而且最底层就是肌肉层。在高频聚焦的单极射频产生的电磁能够直接作用到皮肤底部的肌肉层,并产生一定的可以让人接受的安全温度,从而达到减肥增肌的效果。这种高频电磁产生电磁让肌肉产生收缩,是EMSCULPT NEO肌肉治疗的最大特色。



据介绍,EMSCUPLT NEO 可以治疗的 10 个身体部位:腹部、侧翼、臀部、大腿内侧、大腿前侧、大腿后侧、肱二头肌、肱三头肌和小腿。



在爱美思医美中心举办的EMFACE® 流动巴士免费医美体验活动日上,记者现场看到了不同年龄层次的女性客户均体验了EMFACE®仪器的面部治疗。据介绍,Emface 是第一种从内到外作用于面部框架的疗法。EMFACE® 旨在提供加热,以提高组织温度,以治疗某些医疗状况,例如暂时缓解疼痛、肌肉痉挛和增加局部循环。EMFACE® 还被批准用于非侵入性暂时减少面部皱纹。EMFACE® 施加肌肉刺激,从而诱导肌肉锻炼。EMFACE® 下颌涂药器已获得 FDA 批准用于美容用途,包括面部和颈部刺激或身体皮肤刺激。EMFACE® 下颌涂药器还被批准用于影响下颌区域松弛组织的外观。





记者了解到,EMFACE 是首个将同步射频和 HIFES™ 面部肌肉刺激技术相结合的专利疗法。同步射频加热真皮层以刺激胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白的产生,而 HIFES™ 则选择性地收缩面部肌肉。



EMFACE®面部治疗过程有何感觉?一位经过爱美思医美中心治疗的女客户对记者表示,在 EMFACE治疗过程中没有疼痛感,但可以感觉到温热和肌肉收缩,就像轻微的面部按摩一样。而且,在爱美思医美中心舒适典雅的环境中接受专业人士的治疗,整个过程都是令人愉快和放松的,丝毫没有任何不安全的心理恐惧感!



方柳君还介绍说,爱美思医美中心还引进加强EMFACE治疗的 EXION™ 平台程序设备,它拥有多种技术和手持件,增强了能量设备工具箱,以及用单一设备治疗面部和身体皮肤和软组织的能力,使治疗具有无限可能。EXION™程序包括:全新无创减双下巴手术;单次射频微针治疗,使得深度更深、疼痛更少;天然产生透明质酸;适用于皮肤和深层组织的多功能身体解决方案;最短私密射频治疗。


方柳君指出,尽管有了BTL品牌的EMFACE®、EMSCULPT NEO等这些创新治疗仪器,但并非就可以一劳永逸地替代了人们日常运动。事实上,这种治疗可以称之为一种被动的治疗方式,它是一种自我主动运动的有益补充。在现实生活中,人们为了健康是很热衷于各种健身运动的,但是健身运动又往往由于各种主客观因数,效果并非完美。这个时候,如何配合采取这种被动的高频电磁的医美治疗方式,将会产生一种日常健身运动意想不到的减肥增肌效果。同时,日常健身运动也有它的效果瓶颈,要解决这种瓶颈,这种方法行之有效。

方柳君还建议,在主动健身运动和被动高频电磁医美治疗相互结合的基础上,还需要注意日常的 科学健康饮食习惯。要树立控制饮食和体重的健康观念,尤其是不能暴饮暴食,要戒高糖,好的作息规律。





爱美思医美中心近两年的实践,很好地倡导了“爱自己”的现代医美理念,并以一系列创新科技医美仪器的 科学精心治疗,为广大客户日益丰富了现代生活方式的健康内涵。记者在爱美思医美中心现场了解到,目前,该中心拥有了包括最新引进的BTL品牌的EMFACE®、EMSCULPT NEO、EXION™,和Thermage®FLX、Stellar M22™、Ultraclear™Laser、PicoWay等十几大明星医美科技产品,以最先进的高科技医美仪器,科学地制定了美白、紧致、提升、抗衰老、祛斑等一系列护肤程序,悉心呵护、优化管理广大客户的肌肤健康。

图:现代医美专家、爱美思医美中心创始人方柳君(Amy Wu)



题图:现代医美专家、爱美思医美中心创始人方柳君(Amy Wu)。

Attached English report:

Inspiration from Amee’s Medical Beauty Practice: Loving beauty comes from loving yourself

By Youping Wen Sino-US Innovation Times Reporter Updated August 8, 2024 

Title image: Amy Wu, a modern medical beauty expert and founder of AMEE’S MEDICAL SPA

Boston– On June 15, 2024, the world-renowned medical beauty brand BTL Beauty Bus toured the United States in Boston for free to experience EMFACE®, EMSCULPT NEO and other cutting-edge medical beauty equipment activities. It entered the Amee’s Medical Beauty Center (AMEE’S MEDICAL SPA) in Watertown, Massachusetts. Nearly 100 residents from the Greater Boston area experienced the new healthy medical beauty project treatments for the face and muscles brought by innovative technologies such as EMFACE® and EMSCULPT NEO for free, and gained a new painless, non-invasive modern medical beauty “anti-aging” cognition.

According to Amy Wu, founder of Amy Medical Beauty Center, EMFACE® was developed by BTL and is the world’s first and only instrument that can simultaneously lift facial muscles, treat fascia and dermis, and is the world’s first and only technology that uses radio frequency and HIFES™ energy to treat skin and muscles. During the treatment, EMFACE® uses patented HIFES™ technology and monopolar radio frequency to directly apply current at a treatment temperature of 40-42°C and a depth of up to 20 mm to the tissue and contract the muscles, targeting delicate facial muscles, remodeling fascia and connective tissue, stimulating increased fibroblast activity, and promoting muscle protein synthesis and myofibril regeneration.

Photo: Fang Liujun introduces EMFACE® innovative medical beauty treatment at the event

The reporter learned at the event that on the eve of this EMFACE® and other brand promotion activities, Amy Medical Beauty Center became the first professional medical beauty institution in the Greater Boston area for Chinese to use EMFACE® and EMSCULPT NEO medical beauty equipment. Thus, it once again continues to lead in the use of innovative medical beauty equipment treatments, injecting new connotations into the Aimi Medical Beauty brand and its customers’ medical beauty services.

Reporter personally experienced EMSCULPT NEO abdominal muscle treatment

Due to long-term desk writing and lack of exercise, the reporter obviously had the characteristics of a “general’s belly”, so he decided to try EMSCULPT NEO treatment at the Aimi Medical Beauty Center. It is reported that EMSCULPT NEO is a non-invasive treatment that combines radiofrequency heating and HIFEM procedures to reduce fat and strengthen muscles. The treatment helps to eliminate and remove fat cells in the body, while promoting muscle growth through strong muscle contraction. Clinical studies have shown that after using EMSCULPT NEO, subcutaneous fat is reduced by an average of 30% and muscle thickness increases by 25%.

During the course of EMSCULPT NEO treatment (once a week, a total of four times, each time for 30 minutes), the reporter did not achieve good treatment results at the medical beauty center (not only did he lose about 4 pounds, but his abdominal muscles became stronger), but rather gained a new understanding of the role of modern medical beauty in his daily life and health.

Photo: Fang Liujun, Dr. Wu Hao and relevant persons in charge of BTL took a group photo on the spot

On a weekend afternoon, the reporter came to the Aimi Medical Beauty Center as scheduled to start the first treatment. Fang Liujun, the founder of the Aimi Medical Beauty Center, and Dr. Wu Hao, a member of the American College of Internal Medicine and the medical director of the Aimi Medical Beauty Center, obviously gave enthusiastic service and high attention to the reporter’s experience treatment, and introduced the professional knowledge of abdominal muscle treatment to the reporter in detail.

This abdominal muscle treatment mainly involves tying a treatment instrument to the abdomen, linking it to the EMSCULPT NEO treatment host, and setting the reference data of the treatment client’s age, weight, height, etc. on the host. By conducting high-frequency focused monopolar current percussion and monopolar radio frequency percussion, the two modes act on the abdominal muscles of the body to produce slow or strong muscle contractions. During the treatment, the reporter felt the most obvious strong muscle contraction, but this contraction was alternating with the speed and strength of the monopolar high-frequency radio frequency. At the same time, there was an obvious tolerable temperature burning sensation in the abdomen.

Figure: Various latest high-tech medical beauty treatment instruments at the Aimi Medical Beauty Center

Fang Liujun introduced that within 30 minutes, the EMSCULPT NEO treatment will make the abdominal muscle contraction frequency reach 20,000 times, which is equivalent to the exercise effect of 20,000 sit-ups. This is a fast-acting weight loss and muscle gain treatment for those who work at their desks for a long time and find it difficult to continue to exercise every day. At the same time, this high-frequency radio frequency treatment will produce a body temperature of up to 42 degrees Celsius in the abdomen.

Dr. Wu Hao said that after the treatment, it is best for the client not to exercise vigorously within 48 hours, and it is necessary to replenish protein in time, especially to drink more water. Drinking several times more water than usual can help the metabolism of the consumed substances produced by high-frequency muscle contraction treatment. After each treatment, the reporter also followed the advice of medical beauty experts and drank a lot of water two days before and after the treatment, and just maintained normal walking and strolling every day to help achieve his own treatment effect.

According to reports, the EMSCULPT NEO treatment instrument combines two breakthrough technologies, namely the synchronous output of monopolar radio frequency and patented HIFES™ energy. Moreover, years of practice have shown that its radio frequency focus point not only protects the skin, but also directly reaches the fat at the bottom of the muscle, generating energy to eliminate fat.

What is the scientific principle of this high-frequency focusing? Dr. Wu Hao said that human skin is divided into several layers, and the bottom layer is the muscle layer. The electromagnetic energy generated by the high-frequency focused monopolar radio frequency can directly act on the muscle layer at the bottom of the skin and produce a certain acceptable safe temperature, thereby achieving the effect of weight loss and muscle gain. This high-frequency electromagnetic wave generates electromagnetic waves that cause muscle contraction, which is the biggest feature of EMSCULPT NEO muscle treatment.

Picture: Dr. Wu Hao sang to thank the customers who experienced it at the event

Dr. Wu Hao said that this high-frequency electromagnetic radio frequency is shorter, only 1-3 Hz, and has a deeper penetration into the skin, which can reach the deep layer of the muscle (bottom layer). This is more effective for obese people, because obesity is not subcutaneous fat, but fat under the bottom layer of muscle. This high-frequency electromagnetic wave with strong and deep penetration is aimed at these fats under the muscle to eliminate fat. At the same time, this electromagnetic radio frequency also generates a certain temperature, thereby consuming the energy of skin fat, achieving the effect of reducing fat and increasing muscle, and increasing the role of metabolism. This metabolism is extremely positive and effective for patients with diabetes and hypertension to eliminate fat.

According to reports, EMSCUPLT NEO can treat 10 parts of the body: abdomen, flanks, buttocks, inner thighs, front thighs, back thighs, biceps, triceps and calves.

Dr. Wu Hao also reminded that it is important to stay away from metal (one meter away) during the treatment, so it is not suitable for patients with pacemakers. That is, patients with serious diseases, metal or electronic implants, pregnancy, menstruation or breastfeeding are not recommended to receive treatment.

EMFACE® instruments are widely used in facial medical beauty treatments

At the EMFACE® mobile bus free medical beauty experience event held by Emface Medical Beauty Center, reporters saw female customers of different ages experiencing facial treatments with EMFACE® instruments. It is reported that Emface is the first treatment that acts on the facial framework from the inside out. EMFACE® is designed to provide heating to increase tissue temperature to treat certain medical conditions, such as temporary relief of pain, muscle spasms and increased local circulation. EMFACE® is also approved for non-invasive temporary reduction of facial wrinkles. EMFACE® applies muscle stimulation, thereby inducing muscle exercise. The EMFACE® jaw applicator has been approved by the FDA for cosmetic purposes, including facial and neck stimulation or body skin stimulation. The EMFACE® jaw applicator is also approved for use in affecting the appearance of loose tissue in the jaw area.

The reporter randomly interviewed on site and found that as women, they are more concerned about their facial health. One of the middle-aged female friends said: “Love life, love health, love yourself, and first love your face.” This sentence fully reflects the importance of facial treatment in modern medical beauty and its vast consumer group.

Photo: “BTL Beauty Bus” National Tour Boston Station Free Experience Site

Indeed, the healthy state of facial appearance is a mirror that reflects people’s living conditions, happy emotions and the gradual “aging” state that they all experience in real life. How to retain the vitality of your face, the modern series of innovative medical beauty treatment instruments and methods have made contributions to human health.

Fang Liujun has a deep understanding of this in medical beauty practice. She pointed out that with the rapid development of technology, many people have begun to pursue painless, non-invasive, and real-time anti-aging medical beauty treatments. This EMFACE® is an innovative product of the times that meets the medical beauty consumption needs of modern people. It changes muscle metabolism by stimulating muscle contraction through electromagnetic radio frequency, and the heat energy generated by radio frequency heating will consume fat.

The reporter learned that EMFACE is the first patented treatment that combines synchronous radio frequency and HIFES™ facial muscle stimulation technology. Synchronous radio frequency heats the dermis to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, while HIFES™ selectively contracts facial muscles.

Photo: EMFACE® instrument treatment promotion poster of AMEE’S MEDICAL SPA

The reporter learned that in the more than two years since the opening of Aimi Medical Beauty Center, there are many methods and means of using various modern medical beauty instruments for facial medical beauty treatment, and good medical beauty effects have been achieved for different facial treatments. Fang Liujun introduced that the EMFACE® instrument, which is the latest and most innovative technology added by Aimi Medical Beauty Center, is widely used in facial medical beauty treatments for customers. She said that EMFACE® facial treatment aims to improve facial skin sagging, wrinkles, fine lines, dull skin, sagging eye bags, marionette lines and other aging phenomena. Each treatment lasts 20 minutes. Through high-frequency monopolar radio frequency extreme training, it is responsible for lifting facial muscles, improving facial muscle structure, strengthening fascia, and improving skin firmness and smoothness.

How does the EMFACE® facial treatment feel? A female customer who has been treated at the Aimi Medical Beauty Center told reporters that there is no pain during the EMFACE treatment, but you can feel warmth and muscle contraction, just like a slight facial massage. Moreover, receiving treatment from professionals in the comfortable and elegant environment of the Aimi Medical Beauty Center, the whole process is pleasant and relaxing, without any psychological fear of insecurity!

Picture: EMFACE® treatment equipment introduced by the AMEE’S MEDICAL SPA

Fang Liujun pointed out that the biggest cause of facial aging is age, collagen loss, decreased skin water control ability, and external factors such as ultraviolet rays. Although facial aging is a continuous and unstoppable process, EMFACE® facial treatment can slow down its aging. As the current clinical research indicates, four 20-minute treatments with the EMFACE® instrument on the face will achieve good anti-aging effects such as a 30% increase in muscle tension, a 26% increase in collagen, a 23% increase in facial lifting, and a 37% reduction in wrinkles.

Fang Liujun also introduced that the Aimi Medical Beauty Center has also introduced the EXION™ platform program device to enhance EMFACE treatment. It has a variety of technologies and handpieces, an enhanced energy device toolbox, and the ability to treat facial and body skin and soft tissue with a single device, making treatments infinitely possible. The EXION™ program includes: a new non-invasive double chin reduction surgery; a single radiofrequency microneedle treatment that allows deeper depth and less pain; naturally produced hyaluronic acid; a multifunctional body solution for skin and deep tissue; and the shortest private radiofrequency treatment.

AMEE’S MEDICAL Practice advocates a “love yourself” modern lifestyle

Fang Liujun pointed out that despite the BTL brand EMFACE®, EMSCULPT NEO and other innovative treatment devices, it is not possible to replace people’s daily exercise once and for all. In fact, this treatment can be called a passive treatment method, which is a beneficial supplement to self-active exercise. In real life, people are very keen on various fitness exercises for health, but fitness exercises are often not perfect due to various subjective and objective factors. At this time, how to cooperate with this passive high-frequency electromagnetic medical beauty treatment method will produce an unexpected weight loss and muscle gain effect of daily fitness exercises. At the same time, daily fitness exercises also have their effect bottlenecks. To solve this bottleneck, this method is effective.

Fang Liujun also suggested that on the basis of combining active fitness exercises with passive high-frequency electromagnetic medical beauty treatments, it is also necessary to pay attention to daily scientific and healthy eating habits. It is necessary to establish a healthy concept of controlling diet and weight, especially not overeating, quitting high sugar, and having a good work and rest schedule.

According to reports, the United States is the world’s largest country in medical beauty consumption, and its main key internal cause is that it pays special attention to its own skin and other health. This is why American residents pay attention to sun protection, anti-aging and beauty in their daily lives. In recent years, China’s medical beauty consumption has also shown a rising trend. As Chinese in the United States, their concept and actions of focusing on medical beauty consumption are also gradually entering the homes of ordinary people.

Fang Liujun believes that “after more than two years of operation practice of Aimi Medical Beauty, the biggest experience is: love of beauty comes from love of oneself. For example, how much you are willing to invest in your children, in fact, you can invest as much in yourself!” These experiences have actually become a trend in the medical beauty consumption life of Chinese in the United States in recent years.

Picture: Front desk staff of Aimi Medical Beauty Center

Fang Liujun introduced that in recent decades, every medical beauty revolution initially brought about by laser beauty has changed the original traditional surgical treatment of medical beauty consumption, presenting various innovative and advanced technologies of laser spot shock that are realized by many large medical beauty equipment companies without scars and pain. This innovative medical beauty equipment and its treatment technology have accelerated the subversive cognition of ordinary people on the concept of medical beauty and their increasingly widespread acceptance and participation. She further stated that would she be willing to persist in exercising in the gym for a few years, or use modern advanced optoelectronic medical beauty equipment to quickly achieve and realize her medical beauty goals of fitness exercises? Are you willing to have various spots on your face or skin, or use modern medical beauty photoelectric technology to remove them and make yourself more beautiful? These are all issues of concept. If there are medical beauty technical means dominated by modern innovative technology, why not change some traditional concepts to accept the healthy medical beauty effects that can be achieved by the most advanced medical beauty technology at present?

In the past two years, the practice of Aimi Medical Beauty Center has well advocated the modern medical beauty concept of “love yourself”, and has enriched the health connotation of modern lifestyle for customers with a series of scientific and meticulous treatments of innovative medical beauty equipment. The reporter learned at the Aimi Medical Beauty Center that the center currently has more than a dozen star medical beauty technology products, including the latest BTL brand EMFACE®, EMSCULPT NEO, EXION™, Thermage®FLX, Stellar M22™, Ultraclear™Laser, PicoWay, etc., and with the most advanced high-tech medical beauty equipment, a series of skin care procedures such as whitening, firming, lifting, anti-aging, and freckle removal have been scientifically formulated to carefully care for and optimize the skin health of customers.

Photo: Amy Wu, a modern medical beauty expert and founder of AMEE’S MEDICAL SPA

At the beginning, Fang Liujun embraced modern medical beauty technology with a burning heart of beauty and started the entrepreneurial dream of the medical beauty industry! In the nearly two years since she started her business, she has studied the systematic theory and professional skills of modern medical beauty schools for 600 hours and obtained a certificate of modern medical beauty professional beautician; at the same time, she has also undergone 100 hours of laser skill operation training and obtained a certificate, and constantly learned the scientific operation and practical skills of various innovative and latest instruments in modern medical beauty. Today, Fang Liujun has transformed into a modern medical beauty expert, but she still manages her original love of beauty with her heart to benefit more people who love beauty, health, life, and themselves.

It is precisely because of the continuous efforts and practice of many medical beauty industries such as Fang Liujun and Aimeis Medical Beauty that “anti-aging” has become a life attitude. Fang Liujun believes that the power of innovative technology has made an indelible contribution to modern medical beauty, but people’s good living habits also play an important role. With a balanced diet and exercise, remember to apply sunscreen every day when going out, keep a cheerful mood, and live the most wonderful self is the real “anti-aging” life realm. (The article contains promotional content)

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