
在科技股和薪资飙升的背景下,HubSpot 首席执行官去年将薪酬翻倍至 2600 万美元

【中美创新时报2024 年 6 月 7 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)根据《波士顿环球报》对代理声明的审查,HubSpot 首席执行官亚米尼·兰甘(Yamini Rangan)赚了 2600 万美元,是 2023 年所有波士顿本地科技首席执行官中最高的。对此,《波士顿环球报》记者亚伦·普雷斯曼(Aaron Pressman )作了下述报道。


根据《波士顿环球报》 审查的最新代理文件,在 25 家最大的本地科技公司中,2023 年首席执行官的平均总薪酬为 700 万美元,比 2022 年平均增长近 5%。这些公司的股价中位数上涨了 42%,低于纳斯达克 100 指数 55% 的涨幅。

当地首席执行官的薪酬不断上涨,这与全国高管薪酬上涨的趋势一致。根据薪酬公司 Equilar 为美联社分析的数据,2023 年标准普尔 500 指数公司首席执行官的平均薪酬为 1660 万美元,增长 13%。

根据《波士顿环球报》对代理声明的审查,HubSpot 首席执行官亚米尼·兰甘的收入为 2600 万美元,是 2023 年所有当地科技首席执行官中最高的。兰甘在旧金山经营这家剑桥软件公司,她的薪酬较 2022 年增加了一倍多,因为该公司的收入增长了 25%,股价也翻了一番。HubSpot 还在 2023 年 1 月裁员 7%,即 500 人。

Rangan 是硅谷资深高管,2021 年接替 HubSpot 联合创始人 Brian Halligan 出任首席执行官,如果该公司与谷歌达成传闻中的交易,她的收入可能会更高。根据 HubSpot 的代理文件,如果公司被收购并解雇 Rangan,她有权获得价值 4510 万美元的加速归属股权。HubSpot 没有回应置评请求。

经营威尔明顿半导体制造商 Analog Devices 的 Vincent Roche 在当地排名第二,总薪酬为 2550 万美元,比 2022 年增长 16%。Roche 担任 Analog 首席执行官已有十多年,自 1988 年以来一直在该公司工作。尽管如此,在 COVID 后半导体销售放缓的情况下,Analog 的股价在 2023 年仅上涨了 21%。

DraftKings 首席执行官 Jason Robins 赚了 2080 万美元,排名第三,但他的薪酬比 2022 年下降了 56%,当时公司向他和他的两位联合创始人 Matthew Kalish 和 Paul Liberman 分别授予了价值约 4000 万美元的股票奖励。随着越来越多的州将移动博彩合法化,DraftKings 的股价在 2023 年上涨了两倍多,帮助推动公司收入增长了 64%。

测试和机器人公司 Teradyne 的首席执行官 Gregory Smith 的薪酬比 2022 年增长了最大百分比。他的总薪酬为 1010 万美元,比 2022 年增长了 242%。这一增长发生在史密斯(之前担任公司总裁)取代即将离任的首席执行官马克·贾吉拉之后。(与贾吉拉 2022 年的薪酬相比,史密斯的薪酬减少了 5%。)

在营销软件公司 Klaviyo,首席执行官兼联合创始人安德鲁·比亚莱茨基的薪水为 78,000 美元,但 2023 年 7 月受聘为总裁的史蒂夫·罗兰的总薪酬为 2110 万美元——在首席执行官中排名第三,领先于罗宾斯。根据代理文件,Bialecki 持有 Klaviyo 9890 万股股票,按该公司当前股价计算,价值 22 亿美元。

其他几位持有大量公司股票的创始人也获得了相对微薄的薪酬。Wayfair 首席执行官兼联合创始人 Niraj Shah 的薪酬约为 22.5 万美元,但他持有这家在线家具销售商的 1370 万股股份,价值近 8 亿美元。在仓库机器人公司 Symbotic,首席执行官 Rick Cohen 没有拿到任何薪水或其他报酬,但他持有的 2.148 亿股公司股票价值约 85 亿美元。


在线监控公司 Dynatrace 今年尚未提交代理报告,因此首席执行官 Rick McConnell 的薪酬并未包括在内。另外两家股票市值跻身前 25 名的本土科技公司 Cyber​​Ark 和 SharkNinja 是合法的海外公司,因此无需披露高管薪酬。

题图:根据《波士顿环球报》对代理声明的审查,HubSpot 首席执行官 Yamini Rangan 赚了 2600 万美元,是 2023 年所有本地科技首席执行官中最高的。LANE TURNER/GLOBE STAFF


Amid surging tech stocks and salaries, HubSpot CEO doubled her pay to $26 million last year

By Aaron Pressman Globe Staff,Updated June 4, 2024

After a strong year for technology stock returns, tech company leaders around Boston saw their compensation jump as well, even as layoffs continue to impact workers.

Among the 25 largest local tech companies, median total compensation for chief executives in 2023 was $7.0 million, a median increase of almost 5 percent from 2022, according to recent proxy filings reviewed by the Globe. The companies’ stock prices increased by a median of 42 percent, falling short of the 55 percent gain in the Nasdaq-100 Index.

The increasing pay for local CEOs was consistent with the national trend of rising pay for top executives across the country. The median 2023 pay for CEOs of companies in the S&P 500 Index was $16.6 million, up 13 percent, according to data analyzed for The Associated Press by compensation firm Equilar.

HubSpot chief executive Yamini Rangan made $26 million, the most of any local tech CEO in 2023, according to a Globe review of proxy statements. Rangan, who runs the Cambridge software firm while based in San Francisco, more than doubled her compensation from 2022 as the company’s revenue increased 25 percent and its stock doubled in price. HubSpot also cut 7 percent of its workforce, or 500 jobs, in January 2023.

Rangan, the longtime Silicon Valley executive who took over from HubSpot cofounder Brian Halligan in 2021, could make even more if the company is sold in a rumored deal with Google. Rangan is entitled to accelerated vesting of equity worth $45.1 million if the company is acquired and she is let go, according to HubSpot’s proxy filing. HubSpot did not respond to a request for comment.

Is Google trying to buy HubSpot? Here’s why it might not happen.

Vincent Roche, who runs semiconductor maker Analog Devices in Wilmington, ranked second locally with a total compensation of $25.5 million, 16 percent more than in 2022. Roche has been CEO at Analog for over a decade and has worked at the company since 1988. Still, Analog’s stock price rose only 21 percent in 2023 amid a post-COVID slowdown in semiconductor sales.

DraftKings CEO Jason Robins made $20.8 million to rank third, though his compensation was down 56 percent from 2022 when the company gave him and his two cofounders, Matthew Kalish and Paul Liberman, stock awards worth about $40 million each. DraftKings stock more than tripled in 2023, as more states legalized mobile betting, helping drive the company’s revenue up 64 percent.

Gregory Smith, CEO of testing and robotics company Teradyne, got the biggest percentage increase in pay from 2022. His total comp of $10.1 million was up 242 percent from 2022. The bump came as Smith, previously the company’s president, replaced outgoing CEO Mark Jagiela. (Compared to Jagiela’s 2022 compensation, Smith was paid 5 percent less.)

At marketing software firm Klaviyo, chief executive and cofounder Andrew Bialecki made a salary of $78,000, but Steve Rowland, hired as president in July 2023, received total compensation of $21.1 million — which would have ranked third, ahead of Robins, among CEOs. Bialecki owned 98.9 million shares in Klaviyo, according to the proxy filing, worth $2.2 billion at the company’s current stock price.

Several other founders who have large stock holdings in their companies also received relatively modest compensation. Wayfair CEO and cofounder Niraj Shah was paid about $225,000, but his stake of 13.7 million shares in the online furniture seller was worth almost $800 million. And at warehouse robotics company Symbotic, CEO Rick Cohen received zero salary or other compensation but his 214.8 million shares in the company were worth about $8.5 billion.

Companies must disclose top executives’ compensation in annual proxy filings. The totals include salary, cash bonus, stock and option grants, and other benefits.

Online monitoring company Dynatrace has not filed its proxy yet this year, so CEO Rick McConnell’s compensation was not included. Two other local tech companies with stock market values among the 25 highest, CyberArk and SharkNinja, are legally based overseas so they are not required to disclose executive compensation.

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