

【中美创新时报2024 年 6 月 2 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)6月2日,《波士顿环球报》在编发的两篇读者来信中指出,美国对其大学的国际毕业生的发展道路有着重要兴趣。以下是两篇读者来信的详细内容。

我们是否吸取了 1980 年代至90 年代科技繁荣的惨痛教训?   

关于“美国大学的国际毕业生应该有一条更容易留下的道路”(社论,5 月 26 日):在 1980 年代和 90 年代的科技繁荣时期,科技行业严重依赖来美国接受高等教育的设计师。当时,这个国家通过微电子和计算机技术公司为基础研究提供支持,该公司是一家致力于推进全球竞争芯片研究的美国公司联盟。作为一名在一家投资公司高级研究小组工作的 MBA,我跟踪了外国在人员和流程方面的投资,以便为高级管理层提供外国主导地位风险的评估。

虽然多公司对 MCC 的支持减弱了,美国公司的高级管理人员专注于短期绩效目标,但其他国家的举措摧毁了美国在内存和处理器芯片以及芯片制造领域的主导地位。

现在,我们获得了联邦政府对台湾半导体制造公司和三星等在美国投资制造业的公司的新支持,但历史原因也存在担忧。保持芯片制造竞争力和适应市场变化所需的技能极具挑战性。尽管已经宣布了建立运营新工厂的技能组合的计划,但设计挑战将继续影响这些关键市场;受过高等教育的技术设计师必须是一流的。只有新扩大(或恢复)的 H1-B 签证计划才能让美国保持竞争力。否则,有几个国家的政府和大学将再次抢走我们的饭碗。



我赞同您的社论呼吁进行移民改革,允许国际学生毕业后永久留在美国工作。这些学生中最大的群体——约 35%——是中国人。如果我们想邀请他们成为美国公民,我们不仅应该为他们提供移民身份,还应该为他们提供免受中国政府监视的保护。共产党监视其学生的在线和面对面交流,以查找对习近平主席或其政权的贬损言论。大学必须向这些学生明确表示,他们享有自由社会的所有好处。他们应该在学生手册中说明,任何人都不应受到个人或政府的外部压力,以削弱他们的第一修正案权利。



(作者:罗伯特·希尔德雷斯,希尔德雷斯研究所和 La Vida Scholars 的创始人,波士顿)

题图:5 月 23 日,在马萨诸塞州波士顿大学 2024 届毕业典礼上,南苏丹的 Rachel Achilles Ater 微笑着,因为像她一样是家里第一个大学毕业的学生得到了表彰和鼓掌。LANE TURNER/GLOBE STAFF


US has a key interest in the path of international graduates of its colleges

Updated June 2, 2024 

Have we learned the hard lessons of 1980s-90s tech boom?

Re “International graduates of US colleges should have an easier path to stay” (Editorial, May 26): During the tech boom of the 1980s and ’90s, the tech industry relied heavily on designers who came to the United States for advanced education. At the time, this country maintained support for basic research with the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation, a consortium of American companies dedicated to advancing globally competitive chip research. As an MBA working in an advanced research group for one of the investor companies, I tracked foreign investments in people and processes to provide senior management with assessments of the risks of foreign dominance.

While multicorporate support for MCC waned and senior executives of American companies focused on short-term performance goals, initiatives in other countries destroyed the US dominance in memory and processor chips and in chip manufacturing.

Now we have new federal support for companies such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. and Samsung making investments in manufacturing here in the United States, but there’s a concern based on history. The skills needed to maintain competitive chip manufacturing and to adjust to market changes are extremely challenging. Though there are programs announced to build up skill sets for running new plants, the design challenges will continue to influence these critical markets; the highly educated tech designers must be best-in-class. Only a newly expanded (or restored) H1-B visa program will keep the United States in the game. Otherwise there are several countries whose governments and universities will eat our lunch — again.

Larry Kennedy

Jacksonville, Fla.

China is watching its students closely — that should be our concern

I endorse your editorial’s call for immigration reform that would allow international students to stay and work in the United States permanently after graduation. The largest segment of these students — about 35 percent — are Chinese. If we want to invite them to become American citizens, we should provide them not only immigration status but also protection against Chinese government surveillance. The Communist Party surveils the communications of its students both online and in person for derogatory comments about President Xi Jinping or his regime. Colleges must make it clear to these students that they enjoy all the benefits of a free society. They should state in student handbooks that no one should be subject to outside pressure from either individuals or governments that would curtail their First Amendment rights.

The Communists want these students to return home to bolster the county’s rise to the top. Any of their students able to stay in America are a loss to China. Already that country is sending fewer students here.

At Harvard’s Memorial Church, there are plaques along the wall, one of which memorializes a Harvard graduate who died fighting for Nazi Germany. If we can keep Chinese students here we can lessen the chances of Boston University or Northeastern graduates joining in an invasion of Taiwan in the future.

Robert Hildreth


The writer is the founder of the Hildreth Institute and La Vida Scholars.

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