
【中美创新时报2024 年 4 月 23 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)根据《美国新闻与世界报道》的最新排名,马萨诸塞州拥有全国排名最高的公立高中比例,其中波士顿拉丁学校和哈德利的先锋谷中文浸入式特许学校名列前茅。《波士顿环球报》记者香农·拉尔森(Shannon Larson)对此作了下述报道。
据该出版物称,该年度排名对 17,600 多所公立高中进行了评估,评估因素包括大学准备情况、大学课程、州评估结果、黑人、西班牙裔和低收入家庭学生的表现以及毕业率 。
波士顿拉丁学校在榜单上排名第 27 位,高于去年的第 50 位,当时它还被评为该州最好的高中。 先锋谷中文浸入式特许学校全国排名第100位。
近年来,《美国新闻与世界报道》的排名受到越来越多的审查,尤其是在大学层面。 一些人抱怨排名系统对反映财富或声望水平的标准产生了过大的影响。 哈佛大学和耶鲁大学法学院拒绝参与,批评者建议对这份排名持保留态度。
《美国新闻与世界报道》为其排名进行了辩护。 在高中阶段,它们“为家长提供了一个了解学校学业表现的起点,无论这是一所未来的学校还是他们的孩子已经就读的学校,”《美国新闻》教育总编辑拉蒙特·琼斯在一份报告中表示。 新闻稿。

马萨诸塞州在全国排名前 25% 的高中中所占比例最大,约为 44%。 其次是康涅狄格州(43%)和新泽西州(42%)。
马萨诸塞州排名靠前的其他学校包括:列克星敦高中(全国排名第 192 位)、马尔伯勒高等数学与科学学院特许学校(全国排名第 228 位)、海恩尼斯的斯特吉斯特许公立学校(全国排名第 235 位)、罗克斯伯里约翰·D·奥布莱恩特数学与科学学院(全国第 236 位)、霍普金顿高中(全国排名第 250 位)、多佛-舍伯恩地区高中(全国排名第 288 位)、波士顿拉丁学院(全国排名第 308 位)和阿克顿-博克斯伯勒地区高中(全国排名第 319 位)。
在根据数学、阅读和科学测试成绩得出的州评估表现类别中,总体结果与《美国新闻》“根据本州人口特征对学校的预测”进行了比较。 超出预期的学校得分更高。
“在所有 50 个州中,黑人、西班牙裔和/或来自低收入家庭的学生比例(定义为有资格获得免费或补贴学校午餐)与学校成绩之间存在非常显着的统计关系 据该出版物称,“关于国家评估”。
该出版物称,缅因州和俄克拉荷马州未获准在排名中使用其学校在大学先修课程考试中的成绩,“这意味着这些州举办 AP 考试的学校无法充分评估其大学准备情况”。
BASIS 皮奥里亚(亚利桑那州)
特斯拉 STEM 高中(华盛顿)
全国排名前 5 的特许学校:
BASIS 皮奥里亚(亚利桑那州)
哈斯·霍尔本顿维尔 (阿肯色州)
特斯拉 STEM 高中(华盛顿)
全国排名前 5 的 STEM 学校:
BASIS 皮奥里亚(亚利桑那州)
Here are the top Massachusetts high schools, according to US News & World Report
By Shannon Larson Globe Staff,Updated April 23, 2024
Massachusetts had the highest percentage of high-ranking public high schools nationally, according to US News and World Report’s latest rankings, with Boston Latin School and the Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School in Hadley leading the way.
The annual rankings evaluated more than 17,600 public high schools on factors such as college readiness, college curriculum, results on state assessments, the performance of students who are Black, Hispanic, and from low-income households, and graduation rate, according to the publication.
Boston Latin School placed 27th on the list — up from its 50th position last year when it was also named the state’s top high school. Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School ranked 100th nationally.
The rankings from US News and World Report have come under increased scrutiny in recent years, particularly at the university level. Some have complained that the ranking system places outsized influence on criteria that reflect wealth or level of prestige. Harvard and Yale Law schools have refused to participate, and critics have recommended that the rankings be taken with a grain of salt.
US News has defended its rankings. At the high school level, they “offer a starting point for parents to understand a school’s academic performance, whether it’s a prospective school or one that their child is already attending,” LaMont Jones, managing editor of education at US News, said in a press release.
“Accessible data on our high schools can empower families across the country as they navigate today’s educational environment and plan for the future,” Jones said.
Massachusetts had the largest proportion of its high schools ranked in the top 25 percent nationally, at about 44 percent. It was followed by Connecticut with 43 percent and New Jersey with 42 percent.
Other top-ranked schools in Massachusetts included: Lexington High School (192nd nationally), Advanced Math and Science Academy Charter School in Marlborough (228th nationally), Sturgis Charter Public School in Hyannis (235th nationally), John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science in Roxbury (236th nationally), Hopkinton High School (250th nationally), Dover-Sherborn Regional High School (288th nationally), Boston Latin Academy (308th nationally), and Acton-Boxborough Regional High School (319th nationally).
In the category of state assessment performance, which was derived from math, reading, and science test scores, overall results were compared with what US News “predicted for a school with its demographic characteristics in its state.” Schools that exceeded their expectations scored higher.
“In all 50 states, there is a very significant statistical relationship between the proportion of a student body that is Black, Hispanic and/or from a low-income household — defined as being eligible for free or subsidized school lunch — and a school’s results on state assessments,” according to the publication.
Maine and Oklahoma did not grant permission to use their schools’ scores on Advanced Placement exams in the rankings, “which means schools in these states that administered AP exams were not able to be fully credited on their college readiness,” according to the publication.
See the list of rankings below.
Top 10 high schools in the nation:
BASIS Peoria (Arizona)
Signature School (Indiana)
Tesla STEM High School (Washington)
Julia R. Masterman Secondary School (Pennsylvania)
Payton College Preparatory High School (Illinois)
The School for the Talented and Gifted (Texas)
Academic Magnet High School (South Carolina)
International Academy of Oakland (Minnesota)
Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science and Technology (Georgia)
Riverside Stem Academy (California)
Top 5 charter schools in the nation:
BASIS Peoria (Arizona)
Signature School (Indiana)
Haas Hall Bentonville (Arkansas)
Basis Oro Valley (Arizona)
Albuquerque Institute of Math and Science (New Mexico)
Top 5 magnet schools in the nation:
Tesla STEM High School (Washington)
Julia R. Masterman Secondary School (Pennsylvania)
The School for the Talented and Gifted (Texas)
Academic Magnet High School (South Carolina)
International Academy of Macomb (Minnesota)
Top 5 STEM schools in the nation:
High Technology High School (New Jersey)
BASIS Peoria (Arizona)
BASIS Chandler (Arizona)
The Early College at Guilford (North Carolina)
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (Virginia)