
【中美创新时报2024年2月10日波士顿讯】(记者温友平)2024 年 1 月 13 日,在由美国金鼎基金、好莱坞市政府主办的第十一届美国华人春晚暨全球杰出华人颁奖盛典上,致力于中美教育交流的Elite美国访学J1签证项目首席专家张伟用荣膺“全球杰出华人奖”。
值得一提的是,Elite美国访学J1签证项目的申请条件,只需要满足本科及以上学历、具备基本英语交流能力即可。以高成功率、高性价比的显著优势,“弥补行业空白,兼具社会意义与商业价值” ,在2023年国际在线教育大会,Elite美国访学J1签证项目被评选为“2023年度国际教育创新品牌”,张伟用本人也同时被评选为“2023年度教育行业影响力人物”。
US Visiting Scholars Program Expert Zhang Weiyong Awarded “Global Outstanding Chinese Award” by Chinese American Community
Boston, February 10, 2024 – On January 13, 2024, the 11th Annual Chinese American Spring Festival Gala and Global Outstanding Chinese Award Ceremony, jointly hosted by the Golden Tripod Fund and Hollywood’s municipal government, awarded Zhang Weiyong, the lead expert of the Elite US Visiting Scholars J1 Visa Program, with the “Global Outstanding Chinese Award” for his significant role in fostering Sino-US educational exchanges.
Mr. Zhang Weiyong, Chief Expert of the Elite US Visiting Scholars J1 Visa Program, proudly accepts the “Global Outstanding Chinese Award”.
Celebrated for over a decade as a hallmark cultural and branding event within the community and drawing notable attention from US political figures, the ceremony took place at the Montalban Theatre, located on the iconic Hollywood Walk of Fame. Distinguished attendees, including US Congresswoman Judy Chu and the Mayor of Hollywood, underscored the event’s prestige. Zhang Weiyong, serving as both the CEO of Elite International and the program’s lead expert, earned accolades from the local Chinese American community for pioneering innovative approaches to enhance Sino-US cultural and educational exchanges, thus spotlighting the contributions of the Chinese diaspora.
The organizing committee praised Zhang, stating, “Mr. Zhang Weiyong, a young and successful entrepreneur of modesty, has achieved remarkable success through his exceptional business insight and unique life journey. By engaging in Sino-US educational exchanges during a period of favorable bilateral relations and founding a company that achieved a listing on the NYSE, he has demonstrated extraordinary vision. Later, choosing to enrich his education in the US during his career’s zenith, Zhang embarked on a second venture to further Sino-US relations. His leadership of the Elite US Visiting Scholars J1 Visa Program has established it as a pivotal platform for educational and cultural exchanges between China and the US. This award acknowledges his achievements and encourages ongoing contributions to Sino-US educational and cultural exchanges.”
Zhang’s initiative, the Elite US Visiting Scholars J1 Visa Program, has forged partnerships with numerous US universities, introducing innovations in international education and making the prestigious pathway of visiting scholarship accessible beyond the realm of doctors, professors, and scholars to the public. Celebrated for its high success rate and cost-efficiency, the program demands from applicants only a bachelor’s degree and basic proficiency in English. In 2023, it was named “International Education Innovation Brand of the Year” at the International Online Education Conference, with Zhang himself being recognized as an “Educational Industry Influential Figure of the Year”.

Zhang’s own experiences as a visiting scholar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill broadened his international perspective on Sino-US cultural exchanges. Following his tenure there, he established the Elite US Visiting Scholars J1 Visa Program, collaborating with esteemed universities across California, North Carolina, New Jersey, and beyond to promote Sino-US educational and cultural exchanges and foster amicable relations. As both a pioneer and practitioner in the US visiting scholar application service, Zhang has delivered numerous public lectures on the US educational experience, appeared as a special guest on television study abroad programs, and has been featured by major media outlets both in China and internationally.
In response to receiving the “Global Outstanding Chinese Award,” Zhang remarked, “I am profoundly honored by the recognition and encouragement from the organizing committee of the 11th Annual Chinese American Spring Festival Gala and Global Outstanding Chinese Award Ceremony. This honor reflects our team’s collective efforts at the Elite US Visiting Scholars J1 Visa Program and motivates us to strive for continued excellence. Inspired by my beneficial experience as a US visiting scholar, my career has been devoted to enhancing Sino-US educational and cultural exchanges. I am committed to supporting more young Chinese individuals in seizing visiting scholar opportunities in the US, thereby broadening their international perspectives and contributing to the enrichment of Sino-US exchanges and fostering grassroots friendships.”