作为亚裔美国人和旅美华人,我们对此深感关切和愤怒!我们深切悼念亚特兰大枪击案的罹难者,为他们的家人感到悲伤,并呼吁严惩凶犯。旅美科协总会强烈谴责针对亚裔美国人的恶毒仇恨罪行,以及在类似事件中对他们的袭击,骚扰,指责和构陷。正如美国总统拜登(Joe Biden)所说,“这是错误的,这是非美国的,而且必须停止。”
The CAST-USA condemns the anti-Asian hate and racism
On March 16th, eight people were killed in Atlanta, and among the victims, six were women of Asian descent. This was one of the latest in the nearly 3,800 hate incidents in the past year in the United States in which Asian-Americans have been targeted.
As Asian-Americans and Chinese-origin in the United States, we are deeply concerned. The victims and their families have our griefs and sorrows, and justice must be done! CAST-USA strongly condemns the vicious hate crimes against Asian Americans, who have been attacked, harassed, blamed, and scapegoated in similar events. As President Joe Biden said, “It’s wrong. It’s un-American. And it must stop.”
The United State is a country rich in diversity, but throughout the American history, Anti-Asian actions and racism are not new. While they have been existing for centuries, they are especially dangerous during the most stressful period in history. Hate leads to violence and tragedy. We must stand up to hate crimes, improve our commitment to diversity, and defend our rights.
The Anti-Asian Hate Must Stop!