加州居家令放松太早 每周可致5000死于新冠病毒
![A person rides a hoverboard on a downtown street in Kansas City, Mo. Saturday, March 21, 2020. Officials in Missouri's largest cities are ordering a mandatory stay-at-home rule to residents starting next week in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus. St. Louis and St. Louis County authorities first announced the order, which is to begin Monday, before Kansas City officials followed later Saturday with a similar order. The order in Kansas City and surrounding areas is set to begin Tuesday. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)](https://su-innovationtimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/1-07.jpg)
据洛杉矶时报报道,康特拉科斯塔郡(Contra Costa)卫生官员克里斯·法尼塔诺(Chris Farnitano)博士说:“有些模型预测,在高峰期,整个加州每周会有多达5000人死亡。”他说,这意味着旧金山湾区每周有600人死于新冠病毒,康特拉科斯塔郡每周有100到200人死亡。
文图拉郡卫生官员罗伯特·莱文(Robert Levin)博士表示,进入医院的新冠病毒病例数量可能会引发海啸。在过去的21年里,他一直在追踪数据,两年前是流感死亡人数最多的一年,有49人死亡,这只是新冠病毒给文图拉郡带来的1000人死亡中的一小部分。