
【中美创新时报2025 年 2 月 10 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)周日,汤姆·布雷迪(Tom Brady)以新角色出现在美国体育界最大的比赛中——在福克斯体育的顶级转播室担任解说员,与现场解说员凯文·伯克哈特一起解说。这里不止一次记录到,布雷迪作为解说员的新秀赛季表现不稳定,有时很糟糕,但后期比初期好。《波士顿环球报》记者Chad Finn 对此作了下述报道。
好吧,这不是汤姆·布雷迪橄榄球生涯中最好的超级碗表现。它甚至没有进入前 10 名。
不得不想象事情会这样发展,对吧?毕竟,布雷迪——他作为职业橄榄球历史上最有成就的四分卫的地位变得更加稳固,因为帕特里克·马霍姆斯和酋长队在第 59 届超级碗比赛中以 40-22 的比分被老鹰队击败——在他的前 10 场超级碗比赛中发挥了主导作用,带领爱国者队取得六场胜利,带领海盗队取得另一场胜利。

“我记得 2007 年我们输给巨人队的时候……我百分之百地相信我们会赢,”他说。“这真是令人沮丧,因为那天晚上我都说不出话来。”
当老鹰队外接手 A.J. 布朗被判进攻传球干扰,在比赛的第一次控球中抵消了第四次进攻的接球时,布雷迪没有回避反对这一判罚。
“从帕特里克的脚下,我就能看出他现在对这种防守没有 100% 的信心,”布雷迪说。“他们到处乱跑。他也不应该有太大的信心。[酋长队线卫迈克] 卡利恩多在那里对付不了[老鹰队线卫贾利克斯] 亨特。”
酋长队在半场结束时以 24-0 的比分落后,布雷迪——正如你、我和亚瑟·布兰克所记得的,他带领爱国者队从 28-3 的落后中反败为胜,最终在超级碗 LI 的加时赛中战胜猎鹰队——是讨论马霍姆斯和酋长队如何应对这种情况的最佳人选。
“在很多方面,KB,”布雷迪在第二节还剩不到 4 分钟时对伯克哈特说,“我希望看到他们假装比赛是 3-0,”并补充说酋长队不应该就此放弃他们的进攻计划。
当老鹰队的领先优势扩大到 34-0 时,布雷迪继续宣扬耐心,尽管这是他当晚最令人困惑的言语失误。
题图:汤姆·布雷迪作为橄榄球球员参加了 10 场超级碗比赛。TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images
In his first Super Bowl as an analyst, Tom Brady caps an uneven season with a fittingly similar performance
By Chad Finn Globe Staff,Updated February 10, 2025
Tom Brady appeared in 10 Super Bowls as a player.TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images
Well, that wasn’t the best Super Bowl performance of Tom Brady’s football life. It doesn’t even crack the top 10.
Had to figure that’s how it would go, right? After all, Brady — whose status as the most accomplished quarterback in professional football history became even sturdier as Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs were thumped by the Eagles, 40-22, in Super Bowl LIX — played a leading role in his first 10 Super Bowls, quarterbacking the Patriots to six victories and the Buccaneers to another.
Sunday brought Brady to American sports’ biggest game in a new role — as the analyst alongside play-by-play voice Kevin Burkhardt in Fox Sports’ top broadcast booth. It has been documented here, more than once, that Brady’s rookie season as a commentator was uneven and sometimes bad, but better later on than early.
It was fitting that his performance in the booth Sunday played out in a similar pattern.
Brady, programmed as a player to politely say nothing of substance, often this season leaned on couched, vague criticisms or recurring platitudes in circumstances that called for candor.
So it was a pleasant surprise late in the fourth quarter, with nothing left to decide other that when exactly Eagles players would dump the traditional celebratory Gatorade bucket on coach Nick Siranni, when Brady opened up and became as interesting as he has been all season after recognizing the disappointment on Mahomes’s face.
“I think about, unfortunately, the three losses more than I think about the seven wins,” said Brady. “The reality of a loss in this game is you don’t ever get over them.”
Brady stumbled through a couple of clichés — “there’s no two ways about it” and “it’s the highest of the highs … and unfortunately, the lowest of the lows” — before sharing the kind of insightful anecdote we hoped to hear more of this season, and hopefully will in the future should he fulfill his vow to remain with Fox even though he is a limited partner with the Raiders.
“I remember when we lost to the Giants in 2007 … I absolutely believed 100 percent we were going to win,” he said. “It was just devastating because I couldn’t speak for the rest of the night.”
Brady then revealed that when he’d wake up in the morning after a Super Bowl loss, he always at first thought he was awakening from a nightmare before realizing it was reality. It was the perfect way to help viewers comprehend the anguish of pending defeat Mahomes was feeling. I suppose it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise that it took a scene from late in a Super Bowl for Brady to be able to convey a real connection to the circumstances.
Brady’s best moments — as fleeting as they may have been — usually came when something offended his sensibilities, or he was identifying why a quarterback was or wasn’t succeeding.
When Eagles receiver A.J. Brown was called for offensive pass interference, negating a fourth-down catch on the game’s first possession, Brady didn’t hedge in disagreeing with the call.
“Oh, I don’t like that one bit,” he said.
When Chiefs cornerback Trent McDuffie was flagged for unnecessary roughness later in the first quarter, Brady said, “I don’t like that one, either.”
After the Eagles sacked Mahomes — whom Brady usually referred to as “Patrick,” to some correspondents’ annoyance — on consecutive plays midway through the second quarter, Brady spotted a detail that revealed Mahomes’s shrinking faith in his offensive line.
“I can just tell by Patrick’s feet he doesn’t have 100 percent confidence in this protection right now,” said Brady. “They’re kind of moving all over the place. Nor should he have a ton of confidence. [Chiefs lineman Mike] Caliendo in there can’t deal with [Eagles linebacker Jalyx] Hunt.”
With the Chiefs facing a stunning 24-0 deficit at halftime, Brady — who, as you, me, and Arthur Blank recall brought the Patriots back from a 28-3 hole in an eventual overtime victory over the Falcons in Super Bowl LI — was the perfect person to discuss how Mahomes and the Chiefs should navigate the situation.
“In a lot of ways, KB,” said Brady to Burkhardt with just under 4 minutes left in the second quarter, “I would like to see them pretend the game is 3-0,” adding the Chiefs shouldn’t abandon their offensive game plan just yet.
When the Eagles lead ballooned to 34-0, Brady continued to preach patience, albeit with his most perplexing verbal misstep of the night.
“If you’re Patrick, you’re just staying with your, you can’t do anything inhuman,” he said. “And we’ve seen him do a lot of things in his career that are a bit inhuman.”
Inhuman? I mean, most of Mahomes’s commercials are atrocious, sure, but inhuman seems a reach. Gotta suspect Brady was going for “superhuman” there.
He never had a hard time embodying that adjective in his previous job, but he couldn’t quite find it Sunday.