华盛顿试图举行一场正常的就职典礼 特朗普却有其他想法

【中美创新时报2025 年 1 月 21 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)在四年前的暴力骚乱之后,特朗普总统周一的就职典礼开始于一次勇敢的正常化尝试,以展示美国民主的韧性。但特朗普再次表明他不会做正常的事。《波士顿环球报》记者Jim Puzzanghera 和 Tal Kopan对此作了下述报道。
最明显的迹象是,即将卸任的总统乔·拜登宣布了一系列赦免令,以保护调查 2021 年 1 月 6 日骚乱的立法者免受任何报复。然后,大约 12 小时后,特朗普对当天被定罪的约 1,500 人发布了全面赦免令,这些人试图推翻他在 2020 年大选中的败选。
“我本来要谈论 J6 人质问题,”特朗普周一下午早些时候在国会解放大厅对挤满人群说,并指出他决定在就职演说中不谈的问题。“但你会很高兴,因为行动比言语更重要,你会看到很多针对 J6 人质的行动。”
这些言论赢得了在场约 1,500 名州长和其他贵宾的掌声,他们并不在参加国会大厦圆形大厅两层楼上仪式的约 600 人之列。

1 月 6 日的袭击事件发生后,特朗普的政治生涯似乎已经结束,在这次袭击中,警察与暴徒搏斗了三个小时,特朗普什么也没做。但他上演了一场惊人的回归,并在 11 月以微弱优势获胜,他在就职演说中表示,这场胜利赋予了他“彻底扭转可怕背叛的权力”。
特朗普成为第二位竞选连任失败后又赢得连任的总统。他还创造了历史,成为首位被定罪的重罪犯当选总统。尽管现年 82 岁的拜登是有史以来最年长的总统,但 78 岁的特朗普周一成为就职典礼年龄最大的人。
拥挤的圆形大厅里的观众包括前总统比尔·克林顿、乔治·W·布什和巴拉克·奥巴马,以及拜登和 11 月被特朗普击败的候选人副总统卡马拉·哈里斯。特朗普对自己 2020 年的失败感到痛心,四年前没有欢迎拜登来到白宫,并打破了数十年的传统,缺席了继任者的就职典礼。但拜登在周一履行了这些职责,然后在特朗普演讲后乘直升机离开国会大厦。
自 19 世纪初以来,大多数就职典礼都在国会大厦前的户外举行。但由于周一天气预报寒冷多风,特朗普选择将他的第二次就职典礼移至室内,这意味着数十万人将无法亲临现场观看。从国会大厦到白宫的传统就职游行也被取消,取而代之的是华盛顿市中心国会大厦一号体育馆的室内集会。
室内环境为立法者和政要提供了一个在仪式前交流的机会。高科技高管与政府高级官员和特朗普的家人一起坐在显眼的座位上,其中包括特斯拉的埃隆·马斯克、Meta 的马克·扎克伯格和亚马逊的杰夫·贝佐斯。出席仪式的还有世界领导人,包括阿根廷总统哈维尔·米莱和意大利的乔治亚·梅洛尼。
特朗普在演讲开始时感谢拜登和其他出席的政要。然后他迅速转向阴暗的言论,呼应他在 2017 年就职演说中的宣言:“这场美国大屠杀就在这里、现在就停止。”
他再次承诺“美国优先”,然后谈到结束“对司法部和我们政府的恶毒、暴力和不公平的武器化”,这指的是他离任后因试图推翻 2020 年大选和不当保留机密文件而面临的法律指控。
然后他说他在最近的选举中以“数百万”票的优势获胜。特朗普以 230 万票或 1.5 个百分点的优势击败哈里斯,这是有史以来最微弱的优势之一。当特朗普在 2016 年赢得第一任期时,他在普选中输给了希拉里·克林顿约 290 万票,但赢得了选举团。
他还重新启用了 19 世纪的美国霸权术语。
“特朗普用虚构扼杀事实,用异端邪说扼杀历史,用恐怖扼杀希望,用不满扼杀伟大,”塞勒姆民主党众议员塞思·莫尔顿在演讲中在 X 上写道。“这将被铭记为历史上最黑暗的就职演说。”
然后,特朗普在比 30 分钟的就职演说稍长的漫无边际的讲话中,反复提到他的顾问敦促他不要在圆形大厅提出的不满。其中包括拜登在最后一刻的赦免,包括对他五名家庭成员的赦免。
题图:1 月 20 日,特朗普总统在华盛顿美国国会大厦圆形大厅举行的第 60 届总统就职典礼上发表讲话。Chip Somodevilla/美联社
Washington tried to hold a normal inauguration. Trump had other ideas.
By Jim Puzzanghera and Tal Kopan Globe Staff,Updated January 20, 2025
President Trump speaks during the 60th Presidential Inauguration in the Rotunda of the US Capitol in Washington, on Jan. 20.Chip Somodevilla/Associated Press
WASHINGTON — After the violent tumult of four years ago, President Trump’s inauguration ceremonies on Monday began as a valiant attempt at normalcy to demonstrate the resiliency of American democracy.
But Trump showed once again he doesn’t do normal.
From the rare indoor setting to his grievance-filled speeches and promise of some legally questionable executive orders, Trump began his second term in a manner that did not appear aligned with the “new spirit of unity” he declared in his inaugural address as he proclaimed “the golden age of America begins right now.”
The surest sign this Inauguration Day would be unconventional came when outgoing President Joe Biden announced a flurry of pardons to shield lawmakers who investigated the Jan. 6, 2021 riots from any retribution. Then, about 12 hours later, Trump issued sweeping pardons of about 1,500 people convicted of crimes that day as they sought to overturn his 2020 election loss.
“I was going to talk about the J6 hostages,” Trump told an overflow crowd in the Capitol’s Emancipation Hall early Monday afternoon, noting issues he decided to leave out of his inaugural speech. “But you’ll be happy because it’s action not words that count, and you’re going to see a lot of action on the J6 hostages.”
Those comments drew applause from the approximately 1,500 governors and other VIPs there, who were not among the approximately 600 people who attended the ceremony in the Capitol rotunda two floors above.
Trump’s political career seemed finished after the Jan. 6 attack, in which he did nothing for three hours as the police fought the rioters. But he staged a remarkable comeback and won a narrow victory in November that he said in his inaugural address had provided “a mandate to completely and totally reverse a horrible betrayal.”
“Those who wish to stop our cause have tried to take my freedom and indeed to take my life just a few months ago in a beautiful Pennsylvania field [when] an assassin’s bullet ripped through my ear, but I felt then and believe even more so now that my life was saved for a reason, I was saved by God to make America Great Again,” he said to loud applause.
Trump became only the second president to be defeated for reelection and then win another term. He also made history as the first convicted felon to be elected president. And although Biden, 82, was the oldest president ever, Trump, 78, on Monday became the oldest person to be inaugurated.
The audience in the crowded rotunda included former presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, as well as Biden and the candidate Trump defeated in November, Vice President Kamala Harris. Bitter over his 2020 loss, Trump did not welcome Biden to the White House four years ago and broke with decades of tradition by skipping his successor’s inauguration. But Biden performed those duties on Monday before departing by helicopter from the Capitol after Trump’s speech.
Most inaugurations since the early 1800s have been held outdoors in front of the Capitol. But with forecasts of bitter cold and wind on Monday, Trump opted to move his second inauguration indoors, meaning hundreds of thousands of people would not be able watch in person. The traditional inaugural parade from the Capitol to the White House also was canceled, replaced with an indoor rally at the Capitol One Arena in downtown Washington.
The switch led to an unusual quiet throughout Washington for Inauguration Day.
“It was hard to tell our constituents who had paid so much to come up here they weren’t going to get anything … but everybody was very gracious and kind of felt the most important thing was he was sworn in,” said Laura Strong, the wife of Representative Dale Strong, an Alabama Republican, as she waited in her red “Alabama for Trump” hat and sequined “Trump Strong” jacket to watch the ceremony from the overflow room in Emancipation Hall.
The indoor setting provided an opportunity for lawmakers and dignitaries to mingle ahead of the ceremony. Given prominent seats along with top government officials and Trump’s family were high-tech executives, including Tesla’s Elon Musk, Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg, and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. Also present were world leaders, including Argentinian President Javier Milei and Italy’s Giorgia Meloni.
While some Democratic members of Congress skipped Monday’s ceremony, many made a point of attending to underscore the peaceful transfer of power. Trump and Biden stood not far from each other as the ceremony began and Trump took the oath of office from US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.
Trump began his speech by thanking Biden and other dignitaries in attendance. Then he quickly veered into dark rhetoric, echoing his declaration in his 2017 inaugural address that “This American carnage stops right here, right now.”
He once again promised to put “America first” and then talked about ending “the vicious, violent, and unfair weaponization of the Justice Department and our government,” a reference to the legal charges he faced after leaving office for his attempts to overturn the 2020 election and for improperly retaining classified documents.
He then said he won the most recent election by “millions” of votes. Trump defeated Harris by 2.3 million votes, or 1.5 percentage points, one of the narrowest margins ever. When Trump won his first term in 2016, he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by about 2.9 million votes but won the Electoral College.
Trump then said he would declare a national emergency at the southern border to halt illegal immigration and would deploy military troops there “to repel this disastrous invasion of our country.” He also said he would declare a national energy emergency and would “drill baby drill” for oil and natural gas. He reiterated his intent to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America, revert the name of the tallest peak in North America, Denali, to Mount McKinley, and take back the Panama Canal from Panama.
And he resurrected a 19th-century term for American dominance.
“The United States will once again consider itself a growing nation, one that increases our wealth, expands our territory, builds our cities, raises our expectations and carries our flag into new and beautiful horizons, and we will pursue our manifest destiny into the stars, launching American astronauts to plant the stars and stripes on the planet Mars,” he said.
“Trump is smothering fact with fiction, history with heresy, hope with horror, and greatness with grievance,” Representative Seth Moulton, a Salem Democrat, wrote on X, during the speech. “This will be remembered as the darkest inaugural address in history.”
Trump issued a bevy of executive actions Monday night, many crafted from pledges he made on the campaign trail, including withdrawing from the Paris Agreement climate change treaty and seeking to end the citizenship constitutionally granted to anyone born on US soil.
After Trump and his wife, Melania, escorted the Bidens to their awaiting helicopter outside the Capitol — another traditional duty Trump skipped four years ago — the new president walked down the stairs to Emancipation Hall for another unusual moment in an Inauguration Day filled with them. He was greeted by chants of “USA.”
Then, in rambling remarks that were slightly longer than his 30-minute inaugural address, Trump riffed on grievances he said his advisers urged him not to raise in the Rotunda. Among them was Biden’s last-minute pardons, including to five members of his family.
“I think this was a better speech than the one I made upstairs,” Trump said to applause as he concluded.