就职典礼实况更新:特朗普将宣誓就任第 47 任总统

【中美创新时报2025 年 1 月 20 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)由于天气寒冷,就职典礼将在国会大厦圆形大厅内举行,这将为他重返总统职位画上句号。就职典礼结束后,他计划迅速采取行动,重新执掌政府。《纽约时报》记者Peter Baker 在白宫作了如下报道。
唐纳德·约翰·特朗普将于周一中午东部时间宣誓就任美国第 47 任总统,完成他非凡的权力回归。他计划立即发布一系列令人震惊的命令和行动,旨在开始彻底改变国家的进程。
上午 10 点前,拜登总统和第一夫人在白宫迎接了特朗普夫妇。“欢迎回家,”拜登告诉特朗普夫妇。他们很快将前往国会大厦,特朗普将在圆形大厅宣誓就职,由于天气严寒,就职仪式被移至此处。
尽管特朗普遭到弹劾、起诉和 34 项重罪定罪,但他仍感到选民支持他,他打算迅速超越就职日仪式,重新在政府中留下自己的印记。特朗普上任后数小时内可能签署多达 100 项命令,其中包括启动新的非法移民打击行动、对贸易伙伴征收关税以及赦免因 2021 年 1 月 6 日冲击国会而被起诉的支持者。

现年 78 岁的特朗普将成为有史以来就职总统年龄最大的人,超过四年前宣誓就职时比他小五个月的拜登。40 岁的詹姆斯·戴维·万斯将与特朗普一起宣誓就职,成为第 50 任副总统,也是历史上第三年轻的副总统。
特朗普也将成为自共和国成立以来第二位在竞选连任失败后重新夺回白宫的总统,继 19 世纪非连续任职的格罗弗·克利夫兰之后。
拜登赦免:作为任职期间的最后几项举措之一,拜登对特朗普的一些最引人注目的对手进行了先发制人的赦免,旨在阻止出于政治目的的起诉。获得赦免的人包括前参谋长联席会议主席马克·米利将军、长期担任政府科学家的安东尼·福奇博士,以及调查 2021 年 1 月 6 日国会大厦袭击事件的两党众议院委员会的所有成员,包括前众议员利兹·切尼。
权力移交:拜登在任职四年后离任,结束了他在华盛顿半个多世纪的公共生活。与四年前的特朗普不同,拜登计划遵循惯例,陪同继任者参加就职典礼,以证明权力的和平、民主移交。仪式结束后,拜登和在 11 月大选中败给特朗普的副总统卡马拉·哈里斯将离场。
题图:上午 10 点前,拜登总统和第一夫人在白宫迎接了特朗普夫妇。Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images
Inauguration Live Updates: Trump to Take Oath as 47th President
The ceremony, which will be held inside the Capitol Rotunda because of the cold, will cap his remarkable return to the presidency. After the rituals of Inauguration Day, he plans to move quickly to put his stamp back on the government.
Jan. 20, 2025, 10:16 a.m. ET26 minutes ago
Peter BakerReporting on the White House
Trump will be sworn in at noon. Here’s what to know.
Donald John Trump is set to complete his remarkable return to power at noon Eastern on Monday when he is sworn in as the 47th president of the United States. He plans an immediate shock-and-awe blitz of orders and actions meant to begin dramatically changing the course of the country.
President Biden and the first lady greeted Mr. Trump and his wife at the White House just before 10 a.m. “Welcome home,” Mr. Biden told the Trumps. They were set to travel soon to the Capitol, where Mr. Trump will take the oath of office in the Rotunda, where the ceremony had been moved because of the bitterly cold weather.
Mr. Trump’s restoration — four years after a mob of his supporters ransacked the same building in a failed effort to reverse an election that he lost — will culminate a political comeback unlike any in American history.
Feeling vindicated by voters despite his impeachments, indictments and conviction on 34 felony counts, Mr. Trump intends to move quickly beyond Inauguration Day rituals to put his stamp back on the government. Among as many as 100 orders he may sign within hours of taking office are directives to initiate a new crackdown on illegal immigration, slap tariffs on trading partners and pardon supporters who were prosecuted for storming the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Mr. Trump, 78, will be the oldest person ever inaugurated as president, eclipsing Mr. Biden, who was five months younger when he took the oath four years ago. Mr. Trump will be joined by James David Vance, 40, who will be sworn in as the 50th vice president and the third-youngest in history.
Mr. Trump will also be only the second president since the founding of the republic to reclaim the White House after being defeated for re-election, following Grover Cleveland, who served nonconsecutive terms in the 19th century.
Here’s what else to know:
Biden pardons: In one of his last acts in office, Mr. Biden issued pre-emptive pardons for some of Mr. Trump’s most high-profile adversaries, an effort to head off politically driven prosecutions. Among those receiving the pardons were Gen. Mark A. Milley, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the longtime government scientist; and all the members of the bipartisan House committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, including former Representative Liz Cheney.
Transfer of power: Leaving office after four years, Mr. Biden ends more than half a century in public life in Washington. Unlike Mr. Trump four years ago, Mr. Biden plans to follow custom and accompany his successor to the inaugural ceremony as a testament to the peaceful, democratic transfer of power. After the ceremony, Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, who lost the November election to Mr. Trump, will depart.
Who’s coming: Three of the richest people in the world, foreign dignitaries including hard-right European leaders, tech and business executives, former presidents and an assortment of performers and other celebrities are expected to be at the inauguration. Here are some of those who are planning to attend, and notable no-shows.