
【中美创新时报2025 年 1 月 14 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)波士顿市长吴弭(Michelle Wu)于周一下午 2 点生下第三个孩子,一个女婴,这使她成为波士顿历史上第一位在任期间分娩的市长,也是全国仅有的几位在任期间分娩的市长之一。《波士顿环球报》记者Niki Griswold 对此作了下述报道。
市长发言人表示,吴弭和婴儿米拉·吴·佩瓦斯基(Mira Wu Pewarski)都很健康。米拉出生时体重 8 磅 4 盎司,身高 20 英寸。
吴弭的丈夫康纳·佩瓦斯基(Conor Pewarski)在周二早上发给支持者的电子邮件中表示,周一,也就是吴弭生日的前一天,全家迎来了米拉。他分享了一张米拉和他们另一个儿子布莱斯和卡斯抱着米拉的照片。

吴弭去年与《波士顿环球报》分享了怀孕的消息,周二将迎来 40 岁的她强调,她今年仍打算竞选市长第二任期。她还表示,尽管她在市议会任职期间成功地为市政工作人员提供了这项福利,但她不打算正式休产假。
吴弭是第一位当选市政厅最高职位的女性、有色人种和母亲,她擅长兼顾公职生活和抚养年幼的孩子。她在担任市议员期间生下了两个儿子,布莱斯和卡斯。她从 20 多岁开始就一直是一名看护者,当时她成为母亲和两个妹妹的主要看护人,由于母亲患有精神疾病,她还成为最小妹妹的法定监护人。

吴弭的丈夫康纳·佩瓦斯基 (Conor Pewarski) 说,2025 年 1 月 13 日星期一,全家欢迎米拉加入他们的家庭,吴弭的儿子布莱斯和卡斯抱着米拉。
题图:波士顿市长吴弭的女儿Mira Wu,于 2025 年 1 月 13 日星期一出生。Conor Pewarski
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu gives birth to her third child, a girl
By Niki Griswold Globe Staff,Updated January 14, 2025
Mira Wu, daughter of Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, was born on Monday, Jan. 13, 2025.Conor Pewarski
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu gave birth to her third child, a baby girl, on Monday at 2 p.m., making her the first mayor in Boston history — and one of just a few anywhere in the country — to deliver while in office.
Both Wu and the baby, Mira Wu Pewarski, are in good health, a spokesperson for the mayor said. Mira was born weighing 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and 20 inches.
“Mayor Wu wishes to express her deepest gratitude to the nurses, doctors, and healthcare staff who made this possible for her family and who work everyday to support so many families across the city,” a spokesperson for the city said in a statement.
In an email to supporters Tuesday morning, Wu’s husband, Conor Pewarski, said the family welcomed Mira into their family Monday, one day before Wu’s birthday. He shared a photo of Mira, and another of the couple’s sons, Blaise and Cass, holding her.
“Michelle and baby are happy and healthy, and as you can see, the boys are already in love with their new little sister,” he wrote. “Thank you for all the well wishes—we can’t wait for you to meet her!”
While sharing the news of her pregnancy with the Globe last year, Wu, who turns 40 on Tuesday, emphasized she still intends to run for a second term as mayor this year. She also said she does not intend to take a formal maternity leave, despite her successful efforts to make that benefit available to municipal workers during her time on the City Council.
Wu — the first woman, person of color, and mother elected to the top position in City Hall — is practiced at juggling life in public office with raising young children. She gave birth to her two sons, Blaise and Cass, while serving as a city councilor. She has been a caregiver since her early 20s, when she became the primary caretaker for her mother and two younger sisters, including becoming her youngest sister’s legal guardian, due to her mother’s struggles with mental illness.
Wu’s identity and experience as a mother and caregiver have shaped her approach to public policy, including her pushes to expand access to child care and parental leave, address long-standing challenges in Boston Public Schools, and offer more support for working parents and families.
Wu’s husband, Conor Pewarski, said the family welcomed Mira into their family Monday, Jan. 13, 2025, Wu’s sons, Blaise and Cass, hold Mira.
Wu’s husband, Conor Pewarski, said the family welcomed Mira into their family Monday, Jan. 13, 2025, Wu’s sons, Blaise and Cass, hold Mira. Conor Pewarski.