
【中美创新时报2025 年 1 月 11 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)杰克·史密斯(Jack Smith)是司法部长梅里克·B·加兰任命的特别顾问,他曾表示将在唐纳德·J·特朗普就职典礼前辞职。《纽约时报》记者Glenn Thrush 和 Alan Feuer对此作了下述报道。
他的离职是意料之中的。在特朗普先生于 1 月 20 日上任之前,史密斯先生就已表示他打算离职,特朗普先生曾威胁要解雇和惩罚他。

这位特别检察官在法庭上的努力因特朗普先生 11 月的政治胜利而基本失去意义后离开了。根据司法部禁止对现任总统提起诉讼的政策,史密斯先生被迫撤销了他在 2023 年对特朗普先生提起的两起案件——一起在佛罗里达州,指控他不当处理大量机密文件,另一起在华盛顿,指控他密谋推翻 2020 年大选。
这场旷日持久的法律纠纷让特朗普心怀怨恨,也让他下定决心重返权力舞台。周六,在发送给坎农法官的一份简报的最后一页底部,史密斯只写了一行字:“特别检察官完成了工作,并于 2025 年 1 月 7 日提交了最后一份机密报告,并于 1 月 10 日离开该部门。”
这份报告相当于史密斯先生对他在 2022 年 11 月首次被任命时开始的工作的告别词,当时特朗普先生宣布再次竞选总统后不久。它包含了他对为何在这两起案件中提出指控的解释,以及他不提出其他指控的法律理由。
7 月,法官坎农在一项裁决中直接驳回了机密文件案,该裁决裁定——与数十年的先例相反——史密斯先生被非法任命为特别顾问。虽然史密斯的副手对该裁决提出上诉,但他们在特朗普连任后放弃了针对他的挑战,但并没有针对他的两名同案被告。
55 岁的史密斯先生是一个难以捉摸的人。他不接受采访,保持低调——只在记者面前短暂露面,宣读简短声明,确认他打算公平、迅速地调查特朗普先生。
“遵守法治是司法部的一项基本原则,”史密斯先生在 2023 年 8 月宣布佛罗里达州的起诉书时说。“我们国家对法治的承诺为世界树立了榜样。我们国家只有一套法律,它们适用于所有人。”
一些民主党人,包括众议院监督委员会资深民主党人、弗吉尼亚州众议员杰拉尔德·康诺利 (Gerald E. Connolly),呼吁拜登总统对史密斯及其团队进行先发制人的赦免。
题图:特别顾问杰克·史密斯,2023 年 8 月。图片来源:Kevin Wurm/路透社
Jack Smith, Who Led Prosecutions of Trump, Resigns
Mr. Smith, a special counsel appointed by Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, had signaled that he would step down before Donald J. Trump’s inauguration.
Jack Smith, the special counsel, in August 2023.Credit…Kevin Wurm/Reuters
By Glenn Thrush and Alan Feuer
Jan. 11, 2025
Updated 6:15 p.m. ET
Jack Smith, the special counsel who brought two failed federal prosecutions against President-elect Donald J. Trump, resigned this week, according to a footnote buried in court papers — a remarkably muted conclusion to a fight that reshaped the nation’s legal and political landscape.
Mr. Smith, a former war crimes prosecutor who fought a bitter and protracted battle on two fronts with the Trump legal team but lost in both a district court and in the Supreme Court shaped by Mr. Trump, left his offices in Washington on Friday, according to a senior law enforcement official.
His departure was expected. Mr. Smith had signaled his intention to leave before Mr. Trump, who had threatened to fire and punish him, took office on Jan. 20.
In the end, Mr. Smith made no formal announcement. His spokesman had no comment.
The special counsel departed after his efforts in the courtroom were essentially rendered moot by Mr. Trump’s political victory in November. Under a Justice Department policy prohibiting the pursuit of prosecutions against a sitting president, Mr. Smith was compelled to drop both of the cases he had filed against Mr. Trump in 2023 — one in Florida, accusing him of mishandling a trove of classified documents, and the other in Washington, on charges of plotting to overturn the 2020 election.
Mr. Smith’s final week was marked by one more legal setback at the hands of Judge Aileen M. Cannon, the Trump-appointed jurist presiding over the Florida documents case: She temporarily blocked public release of his final report until at least Monday.
The monumental legal saga, which embittered Mr. Trump and steeled him for his remarkable return to power, ended with a single line at the bottom of the last page of a brief sent to Judge Cannon on Saturday: “The special counsel completed his work and submitted his final confidential report on Jan. 7, 2025, and separated from the department on Jan. 10.”
Mr. Smith’s resignation left unfinished one last step in the more than two-year odyssey he undertook by investigating and ultimately bringing charges against Mr. Trump: the release of a two-volume report detailing his decision-making in both criminal cases.
Mr. Trump’s lawyers and lawyers for his two co-defendants in the documents case have been fighting fiercely for the past week to stop the release of both volumes. In court papers, they have assailed the report as a “one-sided” and “unlawful” political attack against the president-elect and complained it unfairly implicates some unnamed “anticipated” members of his incoming administration.
The report amounts to Mr. Smith’s valedictory word on the work he started when he was first appointed in November 2022, shortly after Mr. Trump announced he was running again for president. It contains his explanations of why he brought the charges he did in the two cases as well as his legal reasoning for not bringing other charges.
Each of the cases died in different ways.
The classified documents case was dismissed outright by Judge Cannon in a July ruling that found — against decades of precedent — that Mr. Smith had been unlawfully appointed to his job as special counsel. While Mr. Smith’s deputies appealed that ruling, they dropped the challenge where Mr. Trump was concerned after he was re-elected, but not against his two co-defendants.
Around the same time, the Supreme Court hobbled the election interference case in a landmark ruling that granted Mr. Trump a broad form of immunity for official acts he took as president. The ruling not only called into question many of the allegations in Mr. Smith’s indictment, but more important, made it impossible to hold a trial on the charges before the election.
Earlier this week, the Justice Department said it did not intend to immediately release the volume of Mr. Smith’s report concerning the classified documents case because the prosecution of Mr. Trump’s former co-defendants, Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira, continued. The department said it planned to show that part of the report in private to members of Congress and make it public only once all of the proceedings against the two men had been completed.
The Justice Department does, however, plan to release the volume concerning the election interference case as soon as possible. But lawyers for Mr. Nauta and Mr. De Oliveira have asked Judge Cannon to extend her order blocking the report.
The two investigations of Mr. Trump were initially conducted by regular federal prosecutors. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland placed Mr. Smith in charge of the cases after Mr. Trump announced his plans to run for president in order to put some distance between the inquiries and the Justice Department.
Mr. Smith was “the right choice to complete these matters in an evenhanded and urgent manner,” Mr. Garland said in announcing the appointment of the upstate New York native, who had been serving as the top prosecutor at The Hague investigating war crimes in Kosovo.
Mr. Smith, 55, cut an elusive figure. He granted no interviews and kept a low profile — appearing before reporters only briefly to read short statements affirming his intention to investigate Mr. Trump fairly and quickly.
“Adherence to the rule of law is a bedrock principle of the Department of Justice,” said Mr. Smith, in announcing the Florida indictments in August 2023. “And our nation’s commitment to the rule of law sets an example for the world. We have one set of laws in this country, and they apply to everyone.”
Now, Mr. Smith and the small team of veteran prosecutors who worked on the Trump cases may end up in the cross hairs of Republicans. Three of the Trump team lawyers he opposed have been given top positions in the Justice Department and the White House by Mr. Trump, who has repeatedly suggested that those who put him in the criminal dock should face consequences.
“I defeated deranged Jack Smith, he’s a deranged individual,” Mr. Trump told reporters in Florida this week. “We did nothing wrong. We did nothing wrong on anything.”
Some Democrats, including Representative Gerald E. Connolly of Virginia, the senior Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, have called on President Biden to issue a pre-emptive pardon of Mr. Smith and his team.