
【中美创新时报2024 年 12 月 16 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)检察官说,周一,两名男子(其中一名来自马萨诸塞州)因联邦指控在波士顿被捕,罪名与 1 月无人机袭击约旦美国军事基地有关,该袭击造成三名美国军人死亡,40 多人受伤。《波士顿环球报》记者Shelley Murphy 和 Tonya Alanez 对此作了下述报道。
42 岁的 Mahdi Mohammad Sadeghi 来自纳蒂克,拥有美国和伊朗双重国籍,周一下午在波士顿美国地方法院出庭,面临密谋非法向伊朗出口敏感技术的指控,这些技术用于开发致命袭击中使用的武器。他被下令拘留,等待 12 月 27 日的拘留听证会。他的律师无法发表评论。
38 岁的穆罕默德·阿贝迪尼纳贾法巴迪(Mohammad Abedininajafabadi,别名 Abedini)来自德黑兰,他被指控向外国恐怖组织提供物质支持导致其死亡,以及与萨德吉合谋非法出口马萨诸塞州一家公司的敏感技术。当局称,应美国政府的要求,他在意大利被捕,美国政府将寻求将其引渡到波士顿接受指控。
美国司法部长梅里克·B·加兰德(Merrick B. Garland)周一在一份声明中表示,阿比迪尼涉嫌“提供敏感技术,伊朗军方用这些技术杀害了三名美国军人”。他说,逮捕表明,司法部将追究那些帮助伊朗政权针对美国人并破坏美国国家安全的人的责任。
据美国中央司令部称,1 月 28 日凌晨,无人机袭击了位于约旦叙利亚边境附近美国小型前哨 Tower 22 的住宅单元。

在袭击中丧生的三名陆军预备役士兵后来被确认为参谋军士。威廉·杰罗姆·里弗斯,46 岁,来自佐治亚州卡罗尔顿;肯尼迪·拉登·桑德斯中士,24 岁,来自佐治亚州韦克罗斯;布伦娜·莫菲特中士,23 岁,来自佐治亚州萨凡纳。他们是驻扎在该基地的约 300 名士兵之一,旨在支持旨在击败 ISIS 的联盟任务。
Sadeghi 的领英页面显示,他过去四年一直在波士顿的 Analog Devices Inc.(ADI) 工作,目前担任 MEMS 技术集团产品营销经理。
美国检察官 Joshua Levy 在新闻发布会上表示:“当我们谈到美国技术落入危险分子之手的危险时,我们经常会提到假设风险。不幸的是,在这种情况下,我们不会进行推测。”
恐怖分子爆炸装置分析中心的 FBI 探员找到了袭击中使用的无人机,并将导航系统追溯到 Abedini 拥有的一家德黑兰公司,据称该公司“与伊朗政府、伊朗军方和伊斯兰革命卫队有着深厚的联系”,Levy 表示。官员们表示,调查随后指向了 Sadeghi。
莱维称,起诉书指控萨迪吉和阿贝迪尼从 2016 年 1 月到本月合谋违反联邦法律,出口敏感的美国技术。
莱维称,萨迪吉将阿贝迪尼介绍给他的雇主,然后策划了一项规避出口法的计划。莱维说,阿贝迪尼在瑞士建立了一家幌子公司 SDRA,作为从萨迪吉的雇主那里“采购美国技术的掩护”。
与伊朗结盟的民兵组织 Harakat Ansar Allah al-Awfiya 是伊拉克伊斯兰抵抗运动的一部分,该组织声称对此次袭击负责。6 月,美国国务院将其指定为全球恐怖组织。
2023 年 10 月 7 日,哈马斯袭击以色列,引发加沙战争,此后的几个月里,中东地区发生了数十起针对美军的无人机袭击事件。但 1 月在约旦发生的袭击是第一起导致美国士兵死亡的袭击。
逮捕是在联邦调查局于周一突袭纳蒂克的一所房屋后进行的。调查人员来到伍德兰街 85 号现场,房产记录显示,该房屋自 2016 年以来一直归 Mohammed M. Sadeghi 所有。
夹克上印有 FBI 字样的特工整天进出这栋两层楼的房子。纳蒂克警车停在车道前。其他执法车辆停在路边。
《环球报》记者 Kiera McDonald 对本报道亦有贡献。
题图:美国检察官 Joshua Levy 定于周一宣布与无人机袭击有关的指控,该袭击造成三名美国军人死亡,40 多人受伤。Steven Senne/美联社
US authorities in Mass. charge two in relation to drone strike
By Shelley Murphy and Tonya Alanez Globe Staff,Updated December 16, 2024
US Attorney Joshua Levy on Monday is slated to announce charges related to a drone strike that killed three American service members and wounded more than 40 others.Steven Senne/Associated Press
Two men, including one from Massachusetts, were arrested Monday on federal charges in Boston related to a January drone attack on a US military base in Jordan that killed three American service members and wounded more than 40 others, prosecutors said.
Mahdi Mohammad Sadeghi, 42, of Natick, who has dual citizenship in the United States and Iran, appeared in US District Court in Boston on Monday afternoon to face charges that he conspired to illegally export sensitive technology to Iran that was used to develop the weaponry used in the fatal attack. He was ordered held pending a detention hearing Dec. 27. His attorneys could not be reached for comment.
Mohammad Abedininajafabadi, also known as Abedini, 38, of Tehran, is charged with providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization resulting in death, as well as conspiring with Sadeghi to illegally export sensitive technology from a Massachusetts company. He was arrested in Italy at the request of the US government, which will seek his extradition to Boston to face charges, authorities said.
US Attorney General Merrick B. Garland said in a statement Monday that Abidini allegedly “supplied sensitive technology used by the Iranian military to kill three American service members.” He said the arrests demonstrated that the Justice Department will hold accountable those who enable the Iranian regime to target Americans and undermine the national security of the United States.
The drone attacked housing units at Tower 22, a small US outpost in Jordan near the border with Syria, during the early morning hours of Jan. 28, according to the US Central Command.
Three Army Reserve soldiers killed in the attack were later identified as Staff Sgt. William Jerome Rivers, 46, of Carrollton, Georgia; Sgt. Kennedy Ladon Sanders, 24, of Waycross, Georgia; and Sgt. Breonna Moffett, 23, of Savannah, Georgia. They were among some 300 troops stationed at the base to support a coalition mission aimed at defeating ISIS.
During a press conference Monday at the federal courthouse in Boston, Jodi Cohen, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Boston office, said the arrests “disrupted an Iranian procurement network that we believe was directly involved in that horrific attack.”
Sadeghi and Abedini are accused of conspiring to illegally export sensitive technology from a semiconductor manufacturer headquartered in Massachusetts to Iran using a front company in Switzerland owned by Abedini, Cohen said.
Officials didn’t name the company.
Sadeghi’s Linkedin page says he has worked at Analog Devices Inc.(ADI) in Boston for the past four years and is a MEMS technology group product marketing manager.
Efforts to reach a spokesperson for the company Monday night were unsuccessful.
“We often cite hypothetical risk when we talk about the dangers of American technologies getting into dangerous hands,” US Attorney Joshua Levy said at the news briefing. “Unfortunately, in this situation we are not speculating.”
FBI agents from the Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center recovered the drone used in the attack and traced the navigational system to a Tehran company owned by Abedini who allegedly “has deep connections to the Iranian government, Iranian military, and to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps,” according to Levy. The investigation then led to Sadeghi, officials said.
The complaint alleges that Sadeghi and Abedini conspired from January 2016 through this month to violate federal laws by exporting sensitive American technologies, according to Levy.
Sadeghi introduced Abedini to his employer, according to Levy, then orchestrated a scheme to circumvent export laws. Abedini established SDRA, a front company in Switzerland, to serve as “a cover to procure American technologies” from Sadeghi’s employer, Levy said.
Harakat Ansar Allah al-Awfiya, an Iran-aligned militia group which is part of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, claimed responsibility for the attack. In June, the US State Department designated it a global terrorist group.
Iran has denied directing the attack, saying militia groups act on their own.
There were dozens of drone attacks on US troops in the Middle East in the months after the Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel by Hamas igniting the war in Gaza. But the January attack in Jordan marked the first one resulting in the deaths of American troops.
The arrests came after a home in Natick was raided by the FBI on Monday. Investigators were on the scene of 85 Woodland St., which property records show has been owned by Mohammed M. Sadeghi since 2016.
Agents with FBI written on their jackets came and went from the two-story house all day. A Natick police cruiser was parked in front of the driveway. Other law enforcement vehicles were parked along the roadway.
As a light rain fell in the early evening, a K9 unit entered the home, which has several windows. Several lights were on inside the home.
Residents who live near the property declined to comment to the Globe Monday evening.
Globe Correspondent Kiera McDonald contributed to this report.