
【中美创新时报2024 年 12 月 9日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)唐纳德·特朗普周日敦促俄罗斯领导人弗拉基米尔·普京采取行动立即与乌克兰达成停火协议,称这是他作为当选总统为结束战争而做出的积极努力的一部分,尽管距离上任还有几周时间。美联社记者埃伦·尼克迈耶和乔安娜·科兹洛夫斯卡对此作了下述报道。
在 NBC 的“与媒体见面”节目中,当被问及他是否正在积极努力结束这场持续近 3 年的乌克兰战争时,特朗普说:“我正在努力。”
他拒绝透露自 11 月赢得大选以来是否与普京交谈过。“我不想对此发表任何评论,因为我不想做任何可能阻碍谈判的事情,”特朗普说。

特朗普呼吁立即停火,这超出了拜登政府和乌克兰采取的公共政策立场,并引起了泽连斯基的谨慎回应。这也表明,特朗普在 1 月 20 日就职之前,正在异常深入地努力解决跛脚鸭拜登政府面临的重大全球危机之一。
特朗普在他的社交媒体平台 Truth Social 上写道,基辅希望达成协议。“应该立即停火,开始谈判。”
“当我们谈论与俄罗斯的有效和平时,我们必须首先谈论有效的和平保障。乌克兰人比任何人都更希望和平。 “俄罗斯把战争带到了我们的土地上,”他周日在 Telegram 消息应用程序上发帖称。
克里姆林宫发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫回应了特朗普的帖子,重申了莫斯科长期以来的信息,即它愿意与乌克兰进行谈判。佩斯科夫提到了泽连斯基 2022 年 10 月颁布的一项法令,该法令宣布只要普京还是俄罗斯领导人,任何谈判的前景都“不可能”。
在周五录制的 NBC 采访中,特朗普再次向北约盟国发出警告,他并不认为美国在第二任期内继续参与西方军事联盟是理所当然的。
国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀周六宣布向乌克兰增加近 10 亿美元的长期武器支持。五角大楼表示,奥斯汀周日与乌克兰外长讨论了战争状况和美国军事支持。
据俄罗斯国防部周日发表的声明称,俄罗斯军队继续在乌克兰东部推进,占领了 Blahodatne 村。军事分析人士称,如果得到证实,俄罗斯军队将更接近夺取新西尔卡镇,并破坏乌克兰军队的一条重要后勤路线。
题图:当选总统唐纳德·特朗普 12 月 7 日在巴黎圣母院与乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基握手。Ludovic Marin/美联社
Trump calls for immediate cease-fire in Ukraine and says a US withdrawal from NATO is possible
By ELLEN KNICKMEYER and JOANNA KOZLOWSKA The Associated Press,Updated December 8, 2024
President-elect Donald Trump shakes hands with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky in the Notre Dame Cathedral, Dec.7, in Paris.Ludovic Marin/Associated Press
WASHINGTON — Donald Trump on Sunday pushed leader Vladimir Putin of Russia to act to reach an immediate cease-fire with Ukraine, describing it as part of his active efforts as president-elect to end the war despite being weeks from taking office.
“Zelensky and Ukraine would like to make a deal and stop the madness,” Trump wrote on social media, referring to Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky.
In a television interview that aired Sunday, Trump also said he would be open to reducing military aid to Ukraine and pulling the United States out of NATO. Those are two threats that have alarmed Ukraine, NATO allies, and many in the US national security community.
Asked on NBC’s “Meet the Press” if he were actively working to end the nearly 3-year-old Ukraine war, Trump said, “I am.”
He refused to say whether he had spoken to Putin since winning election in November. “I don’t want to say anything about that, because I don’t want to do anything that could impede the negotiation,” Trump said.
Trump’s call for an immediate cease-fire went beyond the public policy stands taken by the Biden administration and Ukraine and drew a cautious response from Zelensky. It also is a sign that Trump is wading unusually deeply into efforts before his Jan. 20 inauguration to resolve one of the major global crises facing the lame-duck Biden administration.
Trump made his proposal after a weekend meeting in Paris with French and Ukrainian leaders in Paris, where many world leaders gathered to celebrate the restoration of Notre Dame cathedral after a devastating fire. None of the advisers traveling with him appeared to have expertise on Ukraine.
Kyiv would like to close a deal, Trump wrote on his social media platform Truth Social. “There should be an immediate cease-fire and negotiations should begin.”
“I know Vladimir well. This is his time to act. China can help. The world is waiting!” Trump added. He was referring to mediation efforts by China that many in the West have seen as favoring Russia.
Zelensky described his discussions Saturday with Trump as “constructive” but has given no further details.
Zelensky cautioned that Ukraine needs a “just and robust peace, that Russians will not destroy within a few years.”
“When we talk about an effective peace with Russia, we must talk first of all about effective peace guarantees. Ukrainians want peace more than anyone else. Russia brought war to our land,” he said Sunday in a post on the Telegram messaging app.
Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov responded to Trump’s post by repeating Moscow’s longstanding message that it is open to talks with Ukraine. Peskov referenced a decree by Zelensky from October 2022 that declared the prospect of any talks “impossible” as long as Putin was Russia’s leader.
That decree came after Putin proclaimed four occupied regions of Ukraine to be part of Russia, in what Kyiv and the West said was a clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty.
While Trump has said before that he would like to see a quick cease-fire in Ukraine, his proposal Sunday was framed as a direct appeal to Russia. The quick responses from Ukraine and Russia demonstrated the seriousness with which they regarded the idea from the incoming American president.
Both Trump and President Biden pointed this weekend to Russia’s disengagement in Syria, where the Russian military largely moved out of the way while Syrian rebels overthrew the country’s Russian-allied president, as evidence of the extent to which the Ukraine war has sapped Russia’s resources.
Biden said at the White House on Sunday that resistance from Ukraine had “left Russia unable to protect its main ally in the Middle East.”
The Biden administration and other supporters of Ukraine have made a point of not being seen to press Ukraine for an immediate truce. Ukraine’s allies fear that a quick deal would be largely on the terms of its more powerful neighbor, potentially forcing damaging concessions on Ukraine and allowing Russia to resume the war again once it has built back up its military strength.
Trump portrays himself as up to making fast deals to resolve conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East that have frustrated many of the Biden administration’s own mediation efforts.
There is no prohibition on incoming officials or nominees meeting with foreign officials, and it is common and fine for them to do so — unless those meetings are designed to subvert or otherwise affect current US policy.
In the NBC interview taped Friday, Trump renewed his warning to NATO allies that he did not see continued US participation in the Western military alliance as a given during his second term.
Trump has long complained that European and the Canadian governments in the mutual-defense bloc are freeloading on military spending by the United States, by far the most powerful partner in NATO. NATO and its member governments say a majority of countries in the bloc are now hitting voluntary targets for military spending, due in part to pressure from Trump in his first term.
Asked whether he would consider the possibility of pulling out of NATO, Trump indicated that was an open question.
“If they’re paying their bills, and if I think they’re treating us fairly, the answer is absolutely I’d stay with NATO,” he said.
But if not, he was asked if he would consider pulling the United States out of the alliance. Trump responded, “Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely.”
Trump expressed the same openness when asked if Ukraine should brace for possible cuts in US aid. “Possibly,” he said.
US arms and other military support are vital to Ukraine’s efforts to fend off invading Russian forces, and Biden has been surging assistance to Ukraine before leaving office.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Saturday announced nearly $1 billion more in longer-term weapons support to Ukraine. Austin spoke to his Ukrainian counterpart Sunday about the status of the war and US military backing, the Pentagon said.
Russian forces kept up their grinding advance in eastern Ukraine, taking the village of Blahodatne, according to a statement Sunday by Russia’s defense ministry. If confirmed, that gain would bring Russian forces a step closer toward capturing the town of Velyka Novosilka and disrupting a key logistics route for the Ukrainian army, military analysts said.