

【中美创新时报2024 年 7 月 23 日编译讯】(记者温友平编译)现在,随着副总统卡马拉·哈里斯有望成为第一位领导主要政党的有色人种女性,民主党表示他们准备迎接特朗普及其盟友对她发起的种族主义和性别歧视攻击,这可能是一场完美的负面竞选风暴。《波士顿环球报》记者吉姆·普赞格拉(Jim Puzzanghera)对此作了下述详细报道。

在巴拉克·奥巴马于 2009 年成为美国第一位黑人总统后,唐纳德·特朗普成为种族主义“出生地”争议的主要传播者,错误地声称奥巴马没有资格担任公职,因为他出生在肯尼亚。

当希拉里·克林顿于 2016 年成为主要政党的第一位女性总统候选人时,特朗普在成功的白宫竞选中将她的性别作为攻击目标,贬低了她的外表、智慧和耐力。



“我称她为笑卡马拉。你看过她笑吗?她疯了,”特朗普周六在密歇根州的一次集会上说,随着拜登总统面临越来越大的退出竞选压力,他将注意力转移到了她身上。 “她不像 [前众议院议长] 南希·佩洛西那么疯狂。疯狂的南希。”

特朗普竞选团队在 7 月初为哈里斯取了一个新绰号:咯咯笑的副驾驶卡马拉·哈里斯。但随着哈里斯有望成为民主党候选人,特朗普周一在他的社交媒体网站上转而称她为“‘愚蠢如磐石’的卡马拉·哈里斯”。包括田纳西州众议员蒂姆·伯切特在内的其他共和党人称哈里斯是“DEI 雇佣的”副总统,指的是多元化、公平和包容性举措。

“这对卡玛拉来说并不是什么新鲜事,”波士顿民主党众议员阿亚娜·普雷斯利 (Ayanna Pressley) 说。“我认为,作为政治界的有色人种女性,我们已经习惯了被低估。如果你对我们和卡玛拉·哈里斯都这样,那你肯定会自食其果。”



当被问及“DEI 聘用”的评论时,路易斯安那州共和党众议院议长迈克·约翰逊周二坚称,共和党将把选举“关乎政策,而非个人”。






2011 年,特朗普开始在政治上崭露头角,他再次提出了有关奥巴马出生地的问题。在 2008 年的竞选活动中,奥巴马发布了一份“出生证明”,表明他出生在夏威夷。但特朗普质疑这份法律文件的合法性,并错误地暗示奥巴马隐瞒了他的外国出生,这将使他在宪法上没有资格担任总统。

即使在奥巴马于 2011 年公布了他的原始长格式出生证明后,特朗普仍继续兜售阴谋论,直到 2016 年他才最终承认奥巴马出生在美国。但特朗普经常称他为巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马,用他的中间名来向那些错误地认为他是秘密穆斯林的人发出警告。



在 2016 年的总统竞选中,特朗普指责克林顿打“女性牌”以赢得民主党提名,并经常针对她的性别。


克林顿的盟友、前加州参议员芭芭拉·博克瑟 (Barbara Boxer) 表示,她认为当时的性别歧视攻击失败了,现在对哈里斯的攻击也会失败。克林顿试图扭转局面——例如在她的网站上出售粉红色的“女性卡”。她以近 300 万票的优势赢得了普选,但在选举人团选举中落败。


在 2020 年的竞选活动中,共和党人试图对哈里斯进行一种出生地攻击,这种攻击也可能再次出现。

保守派律师约翰·伊斯特曼 (John Eastman) 为《新闻周刊》撰写了一篇评论文章,暗示哈里斯可能没有资格担任副总统,因为她的父母是移民。哈里斯出生在美国。伊斯特曼后来担任特朗普的律师,并于 5 月在亚利桑那州被起诉,罪名是试图推翻 2020 年选举结果。他拒绝不认罪。

致力于揭露虚假信息的美国阳光计划首席执行官尼娜·扬科维茨 (Nina Jankowicz) 表示,哈里斯在 2020 年竞选期间面临一系列种族和性别攻击,选民应该为社交媒体上“未来几个月的厌女浪潮”做好准备,因为她很可能成为民主党总统候选人。她是 2021 年一项关于“公共生活中针对女性的性别和性化虚假信息”研究的作者。


在周二与记者举行的电话会议中,特朗普在谈到哈里斯和她未能成功角逐 2020 年总统候选人提名时,三次使用了“卑鄙”的变体。他还指责她在初选中对拜登打“种族牌”。



《波士顿环球报》的 Lissandra Villa de Petrzelka 和 Jackie Kucinich 对本报道做出了贡献。

题图:副总统卡马拉·哈里斯谈到唐纳德·特朗普时说:“我会自豪地将我的记录与他的记录进行比较。”TING SHEN/彭博社


Democrats brace for ‘Godzilla of racial and misogynistic campaigning’ against Harris

By Jim Puzzanghera Globe Staff,Updated July 23, 2024

WASHINGTON — After Barack Obama became the nation’s first Black president in 2009, Donald Trump became a leading purveyor of the racist “birther” controversy that falsely asserted Obama was ineligible for office because he was born in Kenya.

When Hillary Clinton became the first female presidential nominee for a major party in 2016, Trump zeroed in on her gender in his successful White House bid, demeaning her appearance, intelligence, and stamina.

Now, with Vice President Kamala Harris on track to become the first woman of color to lead a major party ticket, Democrats said they are bracing for an onslaught of racist and sexist attacks on her by Trump and his allies in what could be a perfect storm for negative campaigning.

The ad hominem assaults already have started.

“I call her laughing Kamala. You ever watch her laugh? She’s crazy,” Trump said at a Michigan rally on Saturday, shifting his focus on her as President Biden faced increasing pressure to drop out of the race. “She’s not as crazy as [former House speaker] Nancy Pelosi. Crazy Nancy.”

The Trump campaign had floated a new nickname for Harris in early July: Cackling Copilot Kamala Harris. But with Harris on track to be the Democratic nominee, Trump on Monday flipped to labeling her “ ‘Dumb as a Rock’ Kamala Harris” on his social media site. Other Republicans, including Representative Tim Burchett of Tennessee, called Harris a “DEI hire” as vice president, a reference to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

“It’s nothing new to Kamala,” said Representative Ayanna Pressley, a Boston Democrat. “I think that as . . . women of color in politics, we’re so used to being underestimated. And if you do that with us and if you do that with Kamala Harris, you certainly do that at your own peril.”

Harris said she’s ready for Trump, citing her past jobs as a prosecutor and California attorney general.

“In those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain,” she said Tuesday at a rally in Milwaukee. “So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump’s type. And in this campaign, I promise you, I will proudly put my record against his any day of the week.”

Asked about the “DEI hire” comments, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, insisted Tuesday that Republicans would make the election “about policies, not personalities.”

“This is not personal with regard to Kamala Harris, and her ethnicity or her gender have nothing to do with this whatsoever,” he said.

A Trump campaign spokesperson did not directly address the personal attacks on Harris, responding with a statement that hit her on Biden administration policies. “Kamala Harris is just as incompetent as Joe Biden and even more liberal,” said Karoline Leavitt, the campaign’s national press secretary.

But Shermichael Singleton, a Republican political strategist, said in an email that the party needed to, “STAY AWAY from attacking her based on race/gender.”

“It is a strategic mistake to make racial innuendoes about Harris,” he wrote. “My advice to Republicans is to stay away from racial tropes, and immediately condemn those who don’t.”

Given what Obama and Clinton faced from Trump, Democrats said they’re steeling for what’s coming.

Trump began his rise to political prominence in 2011 by resurfacing questions about Obama’s birthplace. During the 2008 campaign, Obama had released a “certification of live birth” showing he was born in Hawaii. But Trump questioned the legitimacy of that legal document and falsely suggested Obama was hiding his foreign birth, which would make him constitutionally ineligible to be president.

Even after Obama released his original, long-form birth certificate in 2011, Trump continued to peddle the conspiracy theory, and only in 2016 did he finally acknowledge Obama was born in the United States. But Trump often refers to him as Barack Hussein Obama, using his middle name as a dog-whistle to those who falsely believe he is secretly Muslim.

The attacks on Obama based on race and religion were relentless and Republicans are even more extreme now under Trump, said Patrick Gaspard, who was a top Obama political aide.

“The guard rails are literally off,” Gaspard said. “I expect the Godzilla of racial and misogynistic campaigning from them.”

In the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump accused Clinton of playing the “woman’s card” to win the Democratic nomination and frequently targeted her gender.

During their televised town hall-style debate, Trump kept positioning himself behind Clinton, appearing to loom over her as she answered questions. A Clinton campaign spokesperson accused him of “menacingly stalking” her. Then at a rally a few days later, Trump took a shot at her appearance saying, “She walks in front of me, you know, and when she walked in front of me, believe me, I wasn’t impressed.” Trump also said he didn’t think Clinton had the “look” or “stamina” to be president.

Former California senator Barbara Boxer, a Clinton ally, said she thought the sexist attacks failed then and would with Harris now. Clinton tried turning them around — selling a pink “woman card” on her website for example. She won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes but lost in the Electoral College.

“They’ll replay their greatest hits that they used against Obama, that they used against Hillary, and my view is the country is different. It’s more used to women being in high positions . . . and I say it falls flat with the majority of people,” Boxer said. She predicted it would juice the turnout of the Republican base but repel independent voters.

During the 2020 campaign, Republicans tried a version of the birther attack on Harris that also could resurface.

Conservative attorney John Eastman wrote an opinion article for Newsweek suggesting Harris might not be eligible to serve as vice president because her parents are immigrants. Harris was born in the United States. Eastman later served as a lawyer for Trump and was indicted in Arizona in May on charges related to attempts to overturn the 2020 election results there. He has pleaded not guilty.

Harris faced a slew of race- and gender-based attacks during the 2020 campaign, and voters should be prepared for “a wave of misogyny over the next few months” on social media, now that she’s the likely Democratic presidential nominee, said Nina Jankowicz, chief executive of the American Sunlight Project, which works to expose disinformation. She was an author of a 2021 study about “gendered and sexualized disinformation on women in public life.”

“Within minutes, we saw those same memes resurfacing, and they’re . . . fairly disgusting memes,” Jankowicz said of social media postings after Biden dropped out. Politicians engaging in similar attacks “normalizes” them, she said.

In a conference call with reporters Tuesday, Trump used variations of “nasty” three times in talking about Harris and her unsuccessful bid for the 2020 presidential nomination. He also accused her of playing “the race card” against Biden in that primary campaign.

Those types of attacks are nothing new to politicians like Representative Barbara Lee, a veteran California Democrat.

“I’m a Black woman, I’ve been in politics many years. I’ve had to deal with so much and still do, but we’re ready for it,” she said. “And I remind people to always remember what Dr. Maya Angelou said, ‘And still we rise.’ Nothing’s easy.”

Lissandra Villa de Petrzelka and Jackie Kucinich of the Globe staff contributed to this report.
