
【中美创新时报2024 年 4 月 9 日讯】(温友平编译)得益于特斯拉,马萨诸塞州的电动汽车司机本月在路上寻找充电地点时获得了一些新选择。这家领先的电动汽车制造商在该地区林菲尔德和福克斯伯勒开设了两个新的超级充电站,对任何品牌的电动汽车开放。《波士顿环球报》记者亚伦·普雷斯曼(Aaron Pressman)对此作了下述报道。
大多数 Tesla 超级充电站只能为 Tesla 车辆和少数带有适配器的合作伙伴(目前为 Ford 和 Rivian)的车辆充电。
但林菲尔德和福克斯伯勒的新充电站是马萨诸塞州首个采用特斯拉“Magic Dock”技术的充电站,该技术与几乎所有非特斯拉电动汽车的端口兼容。此前最近的类似特斯拉充电站位于康涅狄格州恩菲尔德,靠近斯普林菲尔德。
特斯拉仍然主导着马萨诸塞州和全国各地的充电市场。根据能源部的数据,马萨诸塞州有 781 个快速充电端口,其中 62% 由特斯拉运营。该州的目标是到 2030 年拥有 10,000 个快速充电端口,但迄今为止进展缓慢。
使用特斯拉超级充电站的“Magic Dock”为非特斯拉充电与使用典型的快速充电器有点不同。特斯拉充电器没有屏幕或信用卡读卡器。激活充电器和付款都是在特斯拉的移动应用程序中完成的。

我定期检查特斯拉应用程序,看看该公司是否在附近开设了任何“Magic Dock”充电站,因此,当我看到周二早上列出的新充电站时,我开着我的起亚 Niro 沿着 95 号州际公路行驶,在福克斯伯勒尝试新的充电器 。
闪亮的新 12 充电站里没有其他汽车,该充电站位于州际公路旁,位于一家前 Comfort Inn 的停车场内,附近没有任何便利设施,除了一家关门的 99 家餐厅。
一些非特斯拉司机抱怨超级充电桩电缆太短,无法到达车辆的充电端口,尤其是大型皮卡车。 但起亚的港口就在前面,方便连接。
让 Tesla 移动应用程序运行起来非常简单。我必须输入信用卡和帐单地址才能开始。然后,在应用程序中,我选择了充电站位置和我正在使用的特定端口,然后点击“开始充电”按钮。 (特斯拉司机不必经历那些繁琐的事情——他们只需插入电源即可开始充电。)
收费标准为每千瓦时 50 美分,具体费用因超级充电站地点而异。 这大约是我在家充电的两倍,但与路上快速充电的平均费率一致。 (去年我在测试多个充电器品牌时平均支付每千瓦时 40 美分,此后价格不断上涨。)
21 分钟后,我以 9 美元的价格获得了 18 千瓦的电力。已有 3 年历史的起亚汽车的充电速度不到新车型的四分之一。例如,一辆起亚 EV6 在 18 分钟内可吸收约 54 千瓦的电量。
特斯拉没有回应置评请求,但该公司表示,计划到今年年底在全国建设 3,500 个带有“Magic Dock”的充电站。
题图:特斯拉在该地区林菲尔德和福克斯伯勒开设了两个新的超级充电站,对任何品牌的 EV 开放。DAVID L. RYAN/GLOBE 工作人员
Tesla opens first two charging stations in Mass. that work for all EVs
The company’s “magic dock” adapters let any brand of electric car refuel
By Aaron Pressman Globe Staff,Updated April 9, 2024
Massachusetts electric vehicle drivers looking for spots to charge on the road got some new options this month, thanks to Tesla.
The leading EV manufacturer opened two new Supercharger locations in the area, in Lynnfield and Foxborough, that are open to any brand of EV.
Most Tesla Supercharger locations can only charge Tesla vehicles and those from a few partners with adapters (Ford and Rivian so far).
But the new stations in Lynnfield and Foxborough are the first in Massachusetts with Tesla’s “Magic Dock” technology that is compatible with the ports in almost all non-Tesla EVs. The closest similar Tesla station previously was in Enfield, Conn., near Springfield.
Tesla still dominates the charging market in Massachusetts and around the country. Massachusetts has 781 fast charger ports and 62 percent are run by Tesla, according to data from the Department of Energy. The state is aiming to have 10,000 fast charging ports by 2030, but progress has been slow so far.
Using the “Magic Dock” at a Tesla Supercharger to charge a non-Tesla is a bit different than using a typical fast charger. Tesla chargers have no screens or credit card readers. Activating a charger and paying is all done within Tesla’s mobile app.
I periodically check the Tesla app to see if the company has opened any “Magic Dock” stations around here, so when I saw the new stations listed on Tuesday morning I zipped down Interstate 95 to try out the new chargers in Foxborough with my Kia Niro.
There were no other cars at the shiny new 12-charger station, located just off the interstate in the parking lot of a former Comfort Inn with no amenities nearby except a Ninety Nine restaurant that was closed.
Some non-Tesla drivers have complained that the Supercharger cables are too short to reach the charging ports on their vehicles, particularly with larger pickup trucks. But the Kia has its port right in front, making for an easy connection.
Getting the Tesla mobile app working was straightforward. I had to input a credit card and billing address to get things started. Then, in the app I selected the station location and the specific port I was using and hit the “start charging” button. (Tesla drivers don’t have to go through that rigamarole — they can just plug in and start charging.)
At first, it seemed like nothing happened — there was no loud noise from the charger’s cooling fans spinning up, as happens at some other brands’ stations. But inside the Kia, the car indicated it was getting a charge at a speed close to the vehicle’s highest possible rate.
The fee, which varies at Supercharger locations, was 50 cents per kilowatt hour. That’s about double what I pay to charge at home but in line with the average rate for fast charging on the road. (I paid an average of 40 cents per kilowatt hour last year while testing multiple charger brands, and prices have gone up since then.)
After 21 minutes, I received 18 kilowatts for a cost of $9. The 3-year-old Kia charges at less than one-quarter the speed of newer models. A Kia EV6, for example, can take in about 54 kilowatts in 18 minutes.
Tesla didn’t respond to a request for comment, but the company has said it plans to build 3,500 stations with the “Magic Dock” nationwide by the end of the year.